We're officially out of the Paris Climate Accord

...because Exxon has a lot of money tied up in Natural Gas Refinement, almost half of their production now is Natural gas. If Oil demand goes up and Natural Gas demand goes down they stand to lose quite a bit of money.
That's easily one of the most stupid things I've ever read...

You know they're pretty much pegged together on the markets, right?

Trump doesn't even realise we can't actually leave the accord until a day after his elected successor is sworn in.
maybe he's bluffing? ya know to get a better deal for america?
macron told trump it cannot be renegotiated before he did his little PR stunt. we can't even withdraw until after tammy duckworth is elected president anyway. this whole thing is meaningless.
alone with syria, being mocked by the rest pf the world.

what do they call people who enjoy and get off on humiliation? oh yeah, cucks.

congrats, you are a cuck now.
He even said it would be renegotiated so it would benefit the American people instead of benefiting the people of Paris, France...

It was negotiated in Paris you Orange needle-dick, it doesnt just benefit the Parisians.
He even said it would be renegotiated so it would benefit the American people instead of benefiting the people of Paris, France...

It was negotiated in Paris you Orange needle-dick, it doesnt just benefit the Parisians.

macron called him the night before and told him it can't be renegotiated too. so when trump said that, he was lying through his teeth yet again, and the cucks ate it up.

when you know you are not deserving of respect you don't mind being lied to. the trump voters know they are not worthy of respect. they are downright nasty skeaze.
macron called him the night before and told him it can't be renegotiated too. so when trump said that, he was lying through his teeth yet again, and the cucks ate it up.

when you know you are not deserving of respect you don't mind being lied to. the trump voters know they are not worthy of respect. they are downright nasty skeaze.
It's sad, I used to disagree with them but at least assumed they were somewhat nice people under it all.

They orally service him now before he fucks them, kiss him afterwards and then go make him pancakes while he fucks their wife and kids too.
Exxon (among others) have Billions invested in Natural Gas Refinement. If they don't utilize those resources and technology they've invested in to the fullest they lose money. Is it really that hard to comprehend? Everything is about money, do you really think any of the largest corporations in the World care about the environment...?
And you realise natural gas is actually considered a semi-clean fossil fuel and so they would stand to benefit?

Also, gas and oil are pegged on the markets. Go look at the long term charts, publicly available data.

No-one is trying to cut out fossils fuel immediately, look at European car efficiency compared to ours, that could be a HUGE reduction in people's personal carbon footprint.

You're literally arguing that Exxon support a climate deal because they don't like oil...
No I'm not. What did I say that made you assume that? And yes I'm well aware that no one is cutting out oil immediately but natural gas is cleaner hence the whole reason to invest in natural gas with the Paris Agreement in place. I'm done here, obviously reading comprehension and logic aren't your strong suit...

Back already, eh?


“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Here is a list of companies that have urged Trump not to abandon the Paris agreement:
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • The Gap
  • Exxon Mobil
  • ConocoPhillips
  • National Grid
  • Apple
  • Adobe
  • Danfoss
  • Levi Strauss & Co.
  • Mars Incorporated
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Unilever
  • Tiffany & Co
  • Dignity Health
  • General Electric (GE)
  • Ingersoll Rand
  • Intel Corporation
  • PG&E Corporation
  • Johnson Controls
  • Royal DSM
  • The Hartford
  • Royal DSM
  • Salesforce
  • Schneider Electric
  • VF Corporation
Pay particular attention to No.5...even fucking Exxon don't want to pull out.

Yep, ive already seen the list.