Active Member
Once they enter high school, preferably sophomore year
i don't know about you guys, but i smoked weed in jr. high and high school and i now regret it. scientifically speaking teenagers are supposed to require the most sleep out of any age range for best performance. when i was a kid and smoked at night, it made me an absolute beast in the morning. teens go to bed too late and have to wake up too early to be jacking up sleep with being burnt the hell out. either i outgrew that or i have a disgusting tolerance now because it's not a problem, but weed definately hit me a lot harder when i was a kid and most kids in high school do not have the control over their bodies and minds that they would like to think they do. sex and drugs and booze are new and exciting things for high school kids, and a lot of them have a tendancy to overdo things. not to mention the rate that their brains are evolving at that age and what weed must do to that process. i wish i had waited till i was at least 17 or 18. i think at that age i would have had more self control. frankly i think it made me a little retarded to smoke so much so young.
when your old enough to enlist in the military=)!
Ive always found it strange that one can enlist , fight , die for this country and yet not be old enough for a beer.
Ive always found it strange that one can enlist , fight , die for this country and yet not be old enough for a beer.
i don't know about you guys, but i smoked weed in jr. high and high school and i now regret it. scientifically speaking teenagers are supposed to require the most sleep out of any age range for best performance. when i was a kid and smoked at night, it made me an absolute beast in the morning. teens go to bed too late and have to wake up too early to be jacking up sleep with being burnt the hell out. either i outgrew that or i have a disgusting tolerance now because it's not a problem, but weed definately hit me a lot harder when i was a kid and most kids in high school do not have the control over their bodies and minds that they would like to think they do. sex and drugs and booze are new and exciting things for high school kids, and a lot of them have a tendancy to overdo things. not to mention the rate that their brains are evolving at that age and what weed must do to that process. i wish i had waited till i was at least 17 or 18. i think at that age i would have had more self control. frankly i think it made me a little retarded to smoke so much so young.
i know how u feel, first time at around 9, started blazin properly at about 11, got a disgustingly high tolerance, i also see it from my customers, the ones that have been blazin since young are just.........different, they speak in shorter sentences, they have fucked up eyes, they are pale as fuck if there white, they have fucked up ways of thinkin, the sooner a kid hits it the harder it will hit back.
Ive always found it strange that one can enlist , fight , die for this country and yet not be old enough for a beer.
first time I smoked weed I was 19 yrs old. But I was a regular opium smoker since I was 16.