What age do you think people should start smoking weed?

i dont think any american should get there rights sooner just because they help a corrupt government thrive. they deserve to drink and smoke as theyplease but so do the other 18+s

i agree. anyone who is deemed old enough to have a say in government and put on the uniform to die for their country is without question ENTITLED to a beer or joint if you ask me. I know a lot of bartenders who will let it slide if someone shows a military id but it's fucked that it's actually illegal. a military id should entitle someone to the same privilages that others have to wait longer for. i can see why the idea of a pack of drunken 18 year olds may make some people uneasy, but if anyone earned the right to unwind it's members of the armed forces.
when that person is mature enough to decide for themselves and not be pressured by peers
so it varys from person to person depending on their mental age and life experiences
for me, it just makes me think deeper about things. i feel like it has improved my thinking process.

well seein as my first time was some dutch warlock, and from then on always good skunky weed, we prob started on diff strengths and thus our reactions are different.
I dont get what you mean with the sleep thing.
pot is a sleep aid.
it helps me sleep at night.
and im energized in the morning.

i agree with everything you said, it's just that it did not apply to me as a teenager. the amount of sleep needed by a 16 year old compared to other ages is insane, and almost none of them get it. when i would smoke at night as a teen it would knock me out a lot more than was needed and when i woke up i never felt rested. it was like adding fatigue to fatigue. when i did not smoke at night my i was much more alert in the morning. also as a teen i always needed naps. i don't feel that the weed caused this i just feel that it made it worse by making me more tired than i had time to sleep off. when i turned twenty or so i stopped needing naps and i believe i simply outgrew the need for so much rest. weed no longer makes me tired but relaxes me to the point where i can just go to sleep if i want. this was not the effect when i was 16.
i dont think any american should get there rights sooner just because they help a corrupt government thrive. they deserve to drink and smoke as theyplease but so do the other 18+s

regardless of anyone's view on the subject, consumption of alcohol is not a "right" in the united states, but a privelidge that can be taken away if the man sees fit. the man should know who butters his bread is all i'm saying.
ah, it never did that2 me..
i always felt restored when it used to knocc me out.

i agree with everything you said, it's just that it did not apply to me as a teenager. the amount of sleep needed by a 16 year old compared to other ages is insane, and almost none of them get it. when i would smoke at night as a teen it would knock me out a lot more than was needed and when i woke up i never felt rested. it was like adding fatigue to fatigue. when i did not smoke at night my i was much more alert in the morning. also as a teen i always needed naps. i don't feel that the weed caused this i just feel that it made it worse by making me more tired than i had time to sleep off. when i turned twenty or so i stopped needing naps and i believe i simply outgrew the need for so much rest. weed no longer makes me tired but relaxes me to the point where i can just go to sleep if i want. this was not the effect when i was 16.
its a human right though. Should not every living being get the chance 2 deicde the drugs he puts in his own body?>

regardless of anyone's view on the subject, consumption of alcohol is not a "right" in the united states, but a privelidge that can be taken away if the man sees fit. the man should know who butters his bread is all i'm saying.
i started when i was 16 but it had nothing to do with peer pressure. if a person is mature enough to decide at 16 or 17 then let them.its not a right given by the government those idiots can't stop the entire population from smoking.
If a girl can do hard core porn on her 18th birthday, it's funny that shes still not allowed to drink a beer but can drink
cock _____ all day long on video for millions to see
sumtimes there not even 18....
theres movies out there u wuldnt believe....
illegal porn, but still porn....

If a girl can do hard core porn on her 18th birthday, it's funny that shes still not allowed to drink a beer but can drink
cock _____ all day long on video for millions to see
i don't think you can just stick an arbitrary number on it. it's about maturity, development, the general state of the person in question. i know some 15 year olds who are great toking banter, and i know some 25 year olds who should definitely not be smoking.

Like sludge says, if it does matter, if you do want to put a number on it, i'd go for the same age as they let you vote in whatever country. Someone already posted that it's fucked up that people who can die for their country can't buy a beer, that's not the case in m country but i agree that it's a total joke.
Kids should be 18 before they smoke, at least old enough that their brain has developed completely and they actually understand why pot is giving them the effect, and not just "gettin' hiiiiigh man".

But people do what they want.
shouldnt be smoking?
i would never wish that upon anyone.
let the children of the earth heal their souls.

i don't think you can just stick an arbitrary number on it. it's about maturity, development, the general state of the person in question. i know some 15 year olds who are great toking banter, and i know some 25 year olds who should definitely not be smoking.

Like sludge says, if it does matter, if you do want to put a number on it, i'd go for the same age as they let you vote in whatever country. Someone already posted that it's fucked up that people who can die for their country can't buy a beer, that's not the case in m country but i agree that it's a total joke.
since when does age determine when your mature?
some people mature faster than others. it could take some people 30 years to become as neurologically developed as a 16 year old.

Kids should be 18 before they smoke, at least old enough that their brain has developed completely and they actually understand why pot is giving them the effect, and not just "gettin' hiiiiigh man".

But people do what they want.