what am i doing wrong Lol


Well-Known Member
beautiful flowers. the tent smells so good. Ive tried two methods..

first method:
I'll chop the whole plant, remove the huge fan leaves, hang it upside down in the dark for a week.

When I notice the buds start to feel crispy i'll do a dry trim and throw em in a brown paper bag for another week. Once the buds start to feel dry ill jar em up, throw a 62 boveda in and burp the jars every day for a few minutes.

Second method:
Chop plant, keep big fan leaves on, hang upside down for 7-10 days till the stems snap
do a trim, jar em with a 62 boveda.

They don't really maintain that funk smell. I mean they do but they dont. There isn't that shitty grass hay smell so that makes me feel i did something right.

Someone told me I should run a humidifier in the tent im drying them in, set it to 55% RH and just let them cure upside down until the stems crack, THEN do a "dryish" trim, jar em with a 62 boveda and leave them alone. I currently just leave them in the tent and have the exhaust fan on low to vent out the moist air

its like a million different things to "try" but I just want to know wtf i might be doing wrong
so what exactly is the problem? are you not happy with the end quality of the buds? when my brother burly started growing he was not happy with the end quality either and he would always assume he was curing the buds wrong but at the end of the day he was just growing crappy bud. if you grow good bud it will smell amazing after its dried. but if you grow crappy bud it will be well crappy. thats what i learned.
How big is your grow and how much do you wanna invest in doing it right , no thinking? Look up Cannatrol, we have a thread here on it in this section of the forum. If drying/curing is your Achilles heal, this is the mostly the answer.
I burp them for like a month or two. Then let them sit sealed until i wanna smoke.

Ive got see ds from reputable sources like 00seeds, kannabia, white label/sensi, HSO, etc.

dispensary weed just stanks like crazy, my small batch shit just has a mild scent.
do bovedas kill smell/terpz?
I think you should leave them drying longer as well. Especially if you have consistent ideal temps and RH conditions (60-65F / 58-62% RH)
A week just sounds way too short from my experience. Always had better results letting it go for a nice long dry. 2 weeks minimum.

Lastly.. I’d quit using boveda packs while curing.
Just use them for long term storage.
Don’t need the boveda packs if dried properly. I’ve read people say they interact with terpenes, can’t say that from my experience as I don’t use them anymore.

Once dried use grove bags, they really make a difference and are cheap and easy to store
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Harvesting early leads to grassy smelling buds.
So does improper drying.
60° 58-60rh. Stay as close as you can to those values. Learning the proper time to move onto the 'next step' is crucial too. Keeping the jars cool is also key. I've moved onto grove bags. F jars.
Boveda is used to store not to cure.
Harvesting early leads to grassy smelling buds.
So does improper drying.
60° 58-60rh. Stay as close as you can to those values. Learning the proper time to move onto the 'next step' is crucial too. Keeping the jars cool is also key. I've moved onto grove bags. F jars.
Boveda is used to store not to cure.
I don't get grassy hay smell.
... Open jars for 5 minutes every 2-3 days. Sometimes dump them out let them sit for 5 minutes. I do that once a week ...
Your drying methods looks good.

As for when they are in the jars, this might work for you:
  1. Trim and jar to where the jars are about 2/3 full - don't fill to the top. You want space up top for air exchange during the cure.
  2. Close the jars and put them in a dark cool place. Mine are kept under a dark terrycloth towel in the basement.
  3. For the 1st week, open the jars once daily.
  4. With the jars opened, let the bud breathe for 15 minutes.
  5. After 15 minutes, put your hand over the opening and gently shake to toss the bud around. You want to make sure they are not sticking together - especially early in the cure. You also want to make sure the bud doesn't spill out while gently jostling an open mason jar.
  6. Let the bud breathe for another 15 minutes.
  7. Close the jars and put them back in the dark cool place.
  8. For the 2nd week, repeat steps 4 to 7 once every other day.
  9. For the 3rd week, repeat steps 4 to 7 once every third day for a total of three times
  10. For the 4th week, repeat steps 4 to 7 once every fourth day for a total of two times.
  11. For weeks 5 and beyond, repeat steps 4 to 7 once per week.

They are ready after 4 weeks - but I will usually cure for 8 to 10 weeks. It takes a while to draw all that internal moisture outwards.

And I leave the bud in the 2L mason jars ( no Grove Bags or Boveda packs required ... ) and haven't experienced any problems. I ground up some flower on the afternoon of April 13 and transferred that into a smaller 1/2L jar - it smelled like good dank that night. That stuff was left for almost 2 weeks out of any harsh light while I was OoO for 12 days and when I opened that jar last night, it still smelled good.

Try and see if a longer cure helps ...
As for when they are in the jars, this might work for you:
  1. Trim and jar to where the jars are about 2/3 full - don't fill to the top. You want space up top for air exchange during the cure.
  2. Close the jars and put them in a dark cool place. Mine are kept under a dark terrycloth towel in the basement.
  3. For the 1st week, open the jars once daily.
  4. With the jars opened, let the bud breathe for 15 minutes.
  5. After 15 minutes, put your hand over the opening and gently shake to toss the bud around. You want to make sure they are not sticking together - especially early in the cure. You also want to make sure the bud doesn't spill out while gently jostling an open mason jar.
  6. Let the bud breathe for another 15 minutes.
  7. Close the jars and put them back in the dark cool place.
  8. For the 2nd week, repeat steps 4 to 7 once every other day.
  9. For the 3rd week, repeat steps 4 to 7 once every third day for a total of three times
  10. For the 4th week, repeat steps 4 to 7 once every fourth day for a total of two times.
  11. For weeks 5 and beyond, repeat steps 4 to 7 once per week.

great advice, pin worthy post for sure! :hump:
... Because they work and you can get any size bags you want from1/8 ounce to 55 gallon drum for the big hitters. Also storage when empty is leaps and bounds above jars... ...
None of those features have convinced me to dump jars that have been curing great and storing easily for the past 5 years.

But I appreciate your input.
None of those features have convinced me to dump jars that have been curing great and storing easily for the past 5 years.

But I appreciate your input.
If/ when, you harvest multiple pounds at a time, you will give up jars. Been growing and toking since 1976.... So , 5 years?? Ha