What are your thoughts on smoking and driving?


Well-Known Member
Do you think it's wrong to drive while high on weed?

Why/why not?

Do you think the eventual federal government crackdown on it will be beneficial to the American people?
The younger me (Pre-25) would have been like "fuck yeah!"

but in all honesty, it literally takes just one split second of inattentiveness to ruin your life or someone else's when you're fucked up behind the wheel. whether its pot, pills, Popov or pussy, the older me (now 27) thinks it's irresponsible to drive inebriated and will give you a massive headache should you get pulled over and the cop wants to enforce the law (the younger me also has a dui for pot that ultimately gave me 180 days behind bars, so you could say i'm kind of biased, lol).
You don't want to be dabbed out of your mind or anything, but I'm usually under the influence of MJ while driving. I'm very cautious and defensive, I really think it makes me a better driver overall. When I used to commute to work I was never high while driving, I was aggressive and irritable and got into several accidents. Inattentiveness is bad, but aggression is worse, imo...
I got a near death smoking weed while driving story. A few years back me and my partner were working far from home, so we would drive up on Sunday's to be at work on Monday. He shows up to my house drunker than shit. Asking if I could drive up. I agree and were off. Instead of of going on the main road I took us on a short cut through the mountains no cops plus you can haul ass. Well midway through the trip I light up and pass him the joint. His drunk ass passes back and it falls on the floor. I go to pick it up and he says watch out. I look and see the biggest elk in my life. I slam on the brakes and barely hit em. The air bag pops fucks me up. We get out look at the truck and said guck it lets go home.The next day my boss wanted to fire me when I showed up. He said I was full of shit because I didn't show up with no elk meat. True story.
Personally i have never got any problems at all driving high., Like tyler said i actually drive better, get more focused on the road and other cars, also i don't smoke in the car i smoke in the house before driving, overall im. Better driver while high., I can't drive drunk., Also i smoke sativas that's maybe why., Maybe not a Good idea with heavy cbd indicas, those almost narcotic ones, not advised to drive under the influence of those., Overall i believe it depends on subject, tolerance, and kind of bud smoked.
I think it depends heavily on the person. When I was younger and didn't smoke as much I wouldn't drive, I didn't like it. Now I'm an all day/ everyday smoker, I don't think I even get "high" like that anymore, so I drive.

I do believe you SHOULDN'T operate a 2 ton+ semi guided missile under the influence, but do as I say, not as I do, right parents? Lol.
I would rather be driving near someone who is stoned than someone who is looking at their phone while they drive. People who do 10 under and swerve while playing with their phone make me want to smash my car into them and do a drive by, unless I'm stoned, then for some reason I don't really care.

The problem is the people who make the laws might have only smoked a few times in their life so they don't understand tolerance they just think everyone is totally spaced out after one marijuana, so one marijuana is DUI but you can eat as many xanex as you want before you drive and your good as long as your not drooling on yourself.
Here in Colorado it's called DUID, or driving under the influence of drugs; ANY drugs that hinder your ability to drive, be it weed, xanax, oxycontin or what the Fuck ever. Fines, jail, revocation, classes, the whole bit. I'm not proud to say I do have a DUI and my classes started filling up with kids caught driving while high and one or two had an accident while on prescription drugs.

I hear all the arguments about tolerance, etc and the older I get, the more I feel lucky I survived such stupidity- and even more fortunate that I didn't hurt anyone else.

Driving is inherently dangerous enough as it is, made more so by the fact that we do it so much it becomes routine and yes, even boring.

Youth loves to say, "that won't happen!" Age has seen it. Now y'all know why old people drive so damn slow!

Put your weed in the back and smoke it when you get home. That way, if/when you get pulled over you can tell the officer that yes, you have marijuana in the car, but it's in the trunk- and he'll be like, 'cool'- even if he still has to write you a ticket.
I remember reading about a study where stoned drivers outperformed sober divers. The thought was the high drivers, being aware they were high, were more cautious than the sober drivers, who acted overconfident and took more chances.

Take my opinion for just that. I don't think things like drunk diving, texting and diving, "reckless" driving should be illegal. If someone can drive 100mph while under the influence and not cause anyone any direct harm, what's the issue? Your fear that something someone else freely does MIGHT effect you, that's the issue.

Life shouldn't be bubble wrapped, it takes the fun out.
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sure, get high and drive.

all it takes is one incident to reflect poorly on all of us.

be the selfish person you want to be.
I get where you're coming from, but often the abrasive approach is just ignored or taken as a dare.

Inform and educate. Most of the country is still pretty new to the idea of legal weed.

Of course you're right about the fact that bad behavior reflects badly on all of us.
Do you think it's wrong to drive while high on weed?

Why/why not?

Do you think the eventual federal government crackdown on it will be beneficial to the American people?

its not a moral thing really, until a burning pip spins your car into a crowd of people I suppose. seriously though, why would you want to smell like pot when you arrive? getting my medical card smacked the sense into me I guess. Its like I never even smelled like weed until I got my cardo_O

NO government crackdown on drugs will benefit the American people. Its already been tried, still in action, it does no good, drives the drug prices up, makes for violent competition and makes criminals of our brothers sisters parents and children. FTG ! FTW !

government could crackdown on government corruption instead. maybe take a look at city officials and their corruption, or look into the stolen public education cash, maybe connect to children and their inability to read at graduation.
I used to teach a section of drivers education that dealt with motorcycles. I spent many hours in class trying to impart the "thou shalt not drive under the influence" line. I had just retired from FF/EMT. Plenty of crash stories to tell.
In our area, "drivers ed" is not done in school anymore. So there are several private companies that do this. They are not the same by a long shot. I blame this in part for bad drivers. These outfits just push em through, fast as they can.
Then I drove truck for a few years.
Honestly, most drivers are either just plain bad drivers or paying more attention to their phones, hair, makeup, newspaper, bowl of cereal, etc(all things I have seen many many times). People in general are just fucking stupid.
While I don't normally drive after smoking, it's only because I don't want to deal with cops after some 19 year old hits me from behind, not because I worry about my ability to drive impaired.
Just my .02
sure, get high and drive.

all it takes is one incident to reflect poorly on all of us.

be the selfish person you want to be.
There was a news story the other day about that. Headline read something about guy crashing while high on MJ. Read the article and the person was also drunk and had no license. But it musta been the pot. lol Fuck the police and Fuck the media.