Putting a gentleman in the Whitehouse doesn't undo shit. How does normalcy, decency and integrity returning with Biden change anything. If that alone is change your dreams and expectations are lacking Having the most diverse cabinet in our history led by a man who knows first hand the tragedies of life and politics looks good on paper but doesn't change shit in the big picture.
I would not look at the diversity first, but the incredible amount of experience and competence in their positions. Biden got the very best and brightest in these roles. And empathy is never a bad thing.
I can say again that Trump accomplished more in four years than any president in history.
Naive. Outside of cutting taxes for the mega wealthy and passing the Democrats prison reform bill, and screwing up the softball's that Obama left for the next president Trump really just said he did a lot and people bought it.
America is a very big nation. Lots of moving parts that have nothing to do with politics at all. Trump doesn't get to pretend like he is Jordan.
He brought the haters from out from the shadows and when it was over he had corrupted the minds of close to half of the country. He alienated our allies and befriended our traditional enemies.
Not half the country. About 23% max with the full weight of the executive branch propping that number up.
And yeah he did his worst to our global alliances. But other democracies are in the same boat from this attack that the Russian military has conducted on us. But fortunately the really important treaties are already signed into law and there wasn't shit he could do about it outside of embarrassing our nation.
If your suggesting that the media wasn't biased against Trump your kidding yourself.
This is nonsense. What is 'media'?
You are 'media' when you make that post.
So tell me oh great political savants? How long did it take Trump to UNDO Obama's achievements.
Trump and the Republicans werent able to take away Obama's biggest accomplishment.
Obama and the Democrats had 2 years to fix the economy, shore up the legislation on the non-bank financial institutions that tanked the Bush/Republican economy, and he still brought health insurance to over 23 million people.
Pretending like anything he tried to do when the Republicans won back the house with their Koch-funded "Tea-Party" troll about the deficit.
Climate accord, keystone, healthcare, environment protection, Iran nuclear proliferation sure didn't hold up. Biden will try to build things back up only to have the next Republican administration take them apart and so on and so on. Everyone of Trump's followers will be back at the polls for the next cycle and there's nothing cup of Joe can do about it. Kumbaya
Unless they get signed into law.
This is why 2022 is so important.
If the Democrats can pick up enough seats to stop the filibuster in 2022, they can get a lot done in those last 2 years of Biden's term.
If things are going as well as they could be, and our politics are free of foreign militaries attacking them, dark money, and troll candidates, Biden can ride off into the sunset in 2024.
I don't think the Republicans will have a serious candidate at that point, because of the Ted Cruz's and other political trolls that still will have seats. Hopefully by 2028 the Republicans understand they need to actual start legislating for 100% of the population and have a actually well qualified field of candidates.