What can be done in four years!

That’s the problem with YOUR party. All they care about is what is in their best interest. Think of someone else for 5 seconds. It’s ok. It doesn’t mean you love yourself any less
I dont have a "party"...like I said above, I dont vote...ever

And I'm thinking of other people about as much as theyve thought of me....zero...sorry it doesn't sit well with me to take away from myself n the ones that depend on me to give to someone who's looking for a handout when I have to earn everything I have n get
I dont have a "party"...like I said above, I dont vote...ever

And I'm thinking of other people about as much as theyve thought of me....zero...sorry it doesn't sit well with me to take away from myself n the ones that depend on me to give to someone who's looking for a handout when I have to earn everything I have n get
You’ll fit in good with them. You’re either with us or against us. TRAITOR!!
that give Kamala 2 years as president.....so she can run as an incumbent. And since incumbents usually win......8 more years as president........
I'm JJ and I approve this message
He don’t like Biden he certainly won’t like Harris. I love it. Let them all suffer
I can say again that Trump accomplished more in four years than any president in history. He brought the haters from out from the shadows and when it was over he had corrupted the minds of close to half of the country.
I don’t think I care much for what “accomplishment” means to you: was Leopold’s genocide in the Congo an accomplishment? The Trail of Tears? The Las Vegas concert shooting? The selling of US manufacturing to China? The Trump COVID response? Auschwitz? Babies in cages?
If your suggesting that the media wasn't biased against Trump your kidding yourself.
And just like that, you convince me you have nothing to say about the media that anyone needs to hear

So tell me oh great political savants? How long did it take Trump to UNDO Obama's achievements. Climate accord, keystone, healthcare, environment protection, Iran nuclear proliferation sure didn't hold up. Biden will try to build things back up only to have the next Republican administration take them apart and so on and so on. Everyone of Trump's followers will be back at the polls for the next cycle and there's nothing cup of Joe can do about it. Kumbaya
You make an excellent case for denying “republicans” any future offices.

As for the damage Trump has done to Obama initiatives, he didn’t undo them so much as he broke them, defunded them, or peed on them. The *real* damage he has done is to the nation itself, and that can’t be so easily re-reversed, but the GOP splitting into the Loony Party and the Treason Party will make the task infinitely simpler, electorally speaking
I guess it's just the news channels that seem pro Trump that lie
It is what it is...

Re: “...*seem* pro Trump....”
This alone should tell you that your sensors need recalibrating.

The pro-Trump media withholds crucial information that “would make him look bad” - as in, only covering stories that make ‘the other side’ look bad, never asking searching or pointed questions, deferring to him and his spokespeople, and staying away from anything that would tarnish that Fearless-Leader hard-on for as long as possible, then minimizing his involvement, minimizing its significance, and always looking for anything they can twist into a club with which to beat ‘the other side’.

Instead, you hear about tan suits, socialism, apology tours, terrorist fist jabs, fuhrer-fluffing, reasons to be afraid and angry...instead of a great deal of the actual events of any given day.

you could prove all this to yourself, easily, without help. You’d just have to decide to recognize that the people you got your story from might not actually know, and decide to find out the facts for your self.

and then DO it, of course.
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Hold up...so your saying the way reporters grilled Trump and play it soft with Joe falls under any kinda code of ethics or integrity?...hell Trump would battle words with em all day...Joe either takes no questions, fumbles his words if he does try n answer something, or loses his cool real fast n snaps...

C'mon man...

I was watching him sign all those executive orders on TV the other day...he didn't look like a man who even knew what he was singing...he looked like a man who was signing anything they slid in front of him

Bro I dont even vote...never have never will...so it's not that serious to me unless it affects me personally I dont really care...pick a side?...I'm on my side and what's in my best interest...and the things im watching this man try n do dont seem to be in my best interest...im just sayin

For example it's in my best interest to have assault rifles and hi capacity magazines...bc I like them not bc I'm lookin for trouble...and they're there if I need them...and I see hes tryna take that right away...not in my best interest
Towing the company line or do you actually believe this propaganda?

If you actually believe it, you really should read about the attack on our nation that Trump has allowed and helped perpetrate since at least 2014.
Towing the company line or do you actually believe this propaganda?

If you actually believe it, you really should read about the attack on our nation that Trump has allowed and helped perpetrate since at least 2014.

And which part?...what propaganda?...I'm just telling you what I saw on the TV...and how I felt about it.

I have not felt under attack at any point during the Trump presidency...did you?

And which part?...what propaganda?...I'm just telling you what I saw on the TV...and how I felt about it.
Unfortunately your TV watching was on a channel like Fox that has to argue in a court of law that they can lie to you and it is ok because they are not news.

Just because you 'felt' a certain way, doesn't make it the actual facts of what occurred unfortunately. You were nonstop lied to by Trump and his militarized trolls online and on tv.

I have not felt under attack at any point during the Trump presidency...did you?
Nonstop. Trump and his minions attacked everyone not in his cult from day one.
Unfortunately your TV watching was on a channel like Fox that has to argue in a court of law that they can lie to you and it is ok because they are not news.

Just because you 'felt' a certain way, doesn't make it the actual facts of what occurred unfortunately. You were nonstop lied to by Trump and his militarized trolls online and on tv.

Nonstop. Trump and his minions attacked everyone not in his cult from day one.
Just because you felt a certain way doesn't make it actual facts of whats occured unfortunately.... :roll:

Cult?...and I watched that man get steadily attacked for 4 solid years...ha...relentlessly actually
I respect how you see things...if that's honestly how you see them...its just crazy how differently people see things

If they're being honest with themselves
Just because you felt a certain way doesn't make it actual facts of whats occured unfortunately.... :roll:
No, you are wrong to try to play that game with Trump's lie factory as your source of information.

Just more 'both sides' bullshit trolling from people brainwashed into believing the lies because it entertains them.

Yup. What would you call people who believe the nonsense Trump spoon fed them daily?

and I watched that man get steadily attacked for 4 solid years...ha...relentlessly actually
You watched a liar get called out on his criminality and lies nonstop for 4 years. You don't get to pretend like he was attacked when it was the fact that he was just having what he did pointed out to him and Trump and his cult snow flaking about it over and over again.

I respect how you see things...if that's honestly how you see them...its just crazy how differently people see things

If they're being honest with themselves
I dont disagree with you here. It is amazing to me that you have not questioned everything that you were lied to about with a factual non biased news source like AP news.
Just because you felt a certain way doesn't make it actual facts of whats occured unfortunately.... :roll:

Cult?...and I watched that man get steadily attacked for 4 solid years...ha...relentlessly actually
Did you have to get a tattoo when you went through the Cult Of Trump's initiation rituals? Most cults require something like that. Asking for a friend.
I’ll take Proud boys over Antifa any day, and I can’t stand either
(nor can I stand the 4 house members that belong to the DSA party, Democratic Socialist of America, AOC enemy of the state)
Right on brotha, the only agenda trump has put forth was bringing America back to its roots !! What our four father fought and died for freedom!!! I mean do u really want AmeriCanada