What can be used as a reflector?


Well-Known Member
YOU'RE still an idiot.

Well at least I have taught you some English grammar. But why do you still find it necessary to call people names? Presumably that is a sign of your continuing immaturity.

Your posts are filled with terrible advice and misinformation. You don't know a single thing about growing, and should probably stop posting until you've grown something other than a sprout in your 5 dollar alluminum foil setup.

Don´t know how I ever got 26 ounces dried from one plant, then. I am principally an outdoor MJ grower and am trying to encourage other growers to emulate that result or BETTER.

Yes alluminum foil has alluminum in it (thanks captain fucking obvious), but different brands and so on have different percentages of alluminum.

I think you will find every brand of aluminium foil is virtually 100% aluminium. It says so on the box.

You'd need a roll with atleast 60% alluminum in it to reflect effeciently, and those rolls are pretty rare.

Oh dear. I will NOT call you an idiot or any other name, but where on Earth do you get this TOTAL NONSENSE from??
I still don´t go calling people idiots or any other insult - why do you think that it is acceptable behaviour for you to do that??.

Actually aluminium foil is a respectable reflector of light - there are better and more expensive reflectors - but it is close to 100% aluminium and you can´t go very far wrong for the money.