thats corect lol thanks yeah i have a seconed cousin thats an under cover narcotics cop hes really cool though hes never busted a stoner the whole 20 years on the force he was just on tv for gettin alot of meth out of st louis
I live around st louis and meth labs get busted like fucking crazy out here.. people are so stupid with it.. I mean, there was one by a highschool that got busted, RIGHT NEXT TOO IT. I was driving by and saw a shit load of swat dudes running up into a beat up house back there, and taking people out in hand cuffs.. saw it on the news later, some major meth bust.. Literally RIGHT next door to the highschool.. I dunno which one though, its a bigass school though lol
Another one, this is crazy, out by my cousins house there is this like fucked up mess of crumbled wood and things from a house, and my grandma was telling me about it because it was all over the news. The people in that meth lab were BIG apparently, it was out in wright city sooooooooooo...... But anyways, apparently the lab worker set up bombs all around and inside of the house everywhere.. Somehow they knew that the cops were coming, and silently watched as all the cops flowed into the buidling(Not sure if it REALLy killed any of them, I need to look it up, they might have just been paranoid and blown it up? or just done with it?) and then detonated all of the bombs killing all the cops and destroying all the evidence.. No one got caught from that bust!