What did you accomplish today?

LMAO! One year the whole house got a virus. A bad one. The one where you sit on the toilette and hold a bucket. We only had one bathroom at the time due to renovations. It was not pretty.

We laugh about it now. 2-3 people all trying to shit and puke at the same time.

The worse is when you get it along with the kids but you still have to gut it out and take care of them.
Outside it is .
That is a good one.
And thx bro! It sucks. It's my stupid doing though. I almost convinced myself to leave and go about 30 min ago, but i have to be a good boy with a suspended license :dunce:
when i got mine i had to pay a shitload of money to keep my license.. but its doable! lol. 13k more than what the fine would of been if i lost it
Let's see these welds bruh, pretty bitter in the SS to be throwing them down are you in a garage?
Tell me about it! A bit nipple out. Almost done. Gotta get her done b4 snow falls almost done. Tommorow I'm going and picking up some hose clamps, a section of fuel line and some rubber hose. Getting my gas tank up tommorow. Then weld the tiny leak in my dads el caminos exhaust