What did you accomplish today?

Tell me about it! A bit nipple out. Almost done. Gotta get her done b4 snow falls almost done. Tommorow I'm going and picking up some hose clamps, a section of fuel line and some rubber hose. Getting my gas tank up tommorow. Then weld the tiny leak in my dads el caminos exhaust
Very redundant but I understand what you're saying. SS isn't due for snow for a bit
I had a mando 180 suspension shit sucked.. I would have been fucked if I was single instead I just developed a bunch of resentment towords my now ex, no idea why haha
I repeatedly put my Ex through some fucked up shit because of this crap before. You'd think i would have learned by now fuck.
I sware to god, i used to be able to do it with 60series rod. Yeah, I used to be pretty good :-D certified 18ga up to 1/2" plate. All welds, all positions. I've been wanting to pick up a buzz box just to play again
U sound like u know Wat it talking about. I just learned. I'm using a 110 mig .25 wire 3 16th plates
Well didn't accomplish much today relaxed with my family and ate pizza ,thankfully the lil guy seems to be feeling better .......however some of you may know I have two properties my ranch in the middle of no where with a mile long private dirt drive to get to it and my house in town but it's still country just closer to town and yes there are a few neighbors but I've known em my whole life ...there about 40 miles apart and I'm guna sell my house here that's near town in the next few years .....anyways were staying here cause the lil guy had doc appointments and it's easier to get stuff and for the wife to shop bla bla bla bla ....well I raked all my leafs today and some kids in a truck think that it's fun to drive through my enormous leaf pile ....ok ok I was a kid once to but 4 times is a little excessive and yes it's country area but the leafs are making a mess from there shenanigans ........SO!! Here's what I did ,I was guna put nails but thought Nah il end up getting them myself ....so I found 4 solid gray stone blocks used for foundation work and strategically placed them in my nice huge leaf pile about 25 minutes ago .......will report back if anything comes of it ......ssshhhhhhh don't tell momma she doesn't know ....told her I was going for a cigarette

(Walking fast and whistling )
OPERATION --falling leaf has commenced ....round 5 ...keep y'all posted :fire: