What did you accomplish today?

wife popped an f1, big dick pheno. super stable genetics. weighing in a 8 lb 15.5 oz and 22'' long, there was no way my 5' wife was passing this beefcake naturally.

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he also has my butt-chin. took much better pics with my wifes dslr. will post when i can. his room at home, too.

back to the hospitol for no sleep. great hospital staff though, couldnt be happier right now:)
Congrats to both of you. He looks so sweet and yeah you're done with sleep for a bit ha ha!
I upped the amount of lights in my grow cab. Not sure if I'll even notice anything this late. But on the plus side. I now have 120w instead of just 90w.
Congrats to both of you. He looks so sweet and yeah you're done with sleep for a bit ha ha!

Thanks! Yea I figured as much. it Def not about me, but wanting her to get as much rest as possible these first few days recovering. Plus my mom said she'd be by to help my wife first couple days home. Really nice that so many people have come to support and help out with whatever they can. Not expected, but definitely appreciated. Life is good.
wife popped an f1, big dick pheno. super stable genetics. weighing in a 8 lb 15.5 oz and 22'' long, there was no way my 5' wife was passing this beefcake naturally.

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View attachment 3857343

he also has my butt-chin. took much better pics with my wifes dslr. will post when i can. his room at home, too.

back to the hospitol for no sleep. great hospital staff though, couldnt be happier right now:)

Congrats .....

I had an addition added to the family recently as well ....Nov-8th....growing fast and blasting through diapers at an incredible rate.

Good luck to you and I wish nothing but the best for the new little one ,and enjoy not sleeping and waking up to momma handing you a super stinky pillow at weird hours of the night to only realize it's your baby and your the man for the job .....don't worry your not alone buddy
Congrats again
Congrats .....

I had an addition added to the family recently as well ....Nov-8th....growing fast and blasting through diapers at an incredible rate.

Good luck to you and I wish nothing but the best for the new little one ,and enjoy not sleeping and waking up to momma handing you a super stinky pillow at weird hours of the night to only realize it's your baby and your the man for the job .....don't worry your not alone buddy
Congrats again
who doesn't love yellow seedy blowouts? :p
my very first friend as a child dropped dead this morning. He was my age. He had a beautiful family, a fat pig of a wife who was his soul mate and a terrific job in Denver. I feel awful about it. Can't make it to Denver for the funeral but Mark wherever you are I will never forget you bud.
Ahhh that's awful about his death. I am so sorry
Thanks! Yea I figured as much. it Def not about me, but wanting her to get as much rest as possible these first few days recovering. Plus my mom said she'd be by to help my wife first couple days home. Really nice that so many people have come to support and help out with whatever they can. Not expected, but definitely appreciated. Life is good.

my very first friend as a child dropped dead this morning. He was my age. He had a beautiful family, a fat pig of a wife who was his soul mate and a terrific job in Denver. I feel awful about it. Can't make it to Denver for the funeral but Mark wherever you are I will never forget you bud.

That's a shame man, sorry.

We lost 3 from my family this year, and an old friend too. It's been a shitty year, hoping for better in '17.
So I'm starting some projects at home now that my other place is 99% done.
Ripped off window trim, removed jams, sill and spackled some drywall deficits along bottom.
Then rebuilt with some new stuff from Lowe's. Added jams inside window vinyl. Fortunately, the windows were installed right when I was kind of out of it 3 yrs. ago, a day after being released from hospital. It kind of looked like they layed the window right on the sill, but they actually cut it and fit window down in there.
Once my prybar rocked that sill and not window, I knew I was OK.
And that's all folks, till after Christmas. Well, maybe. It's hard to sit and do nothing for more than an hour, I just start looking for something to upgrade.

I'll try some edibles, maybe. I should rest a while, it's been a long year of remodeling.

3 days in and the hospital got me with a photo package. Really? They have their own photographers to get more$ out of people?
Smh. good pictures though, and the photographer was hot with some massive tittays.

I did acquire a decent collection of nug jars, rubber gloves, couple towels to clean the grow room, alcohol wipes, some lube, a nurse's bad ass pen(accident) and a new blanket for my dog lol. it's the little things...

I smoked out a janitor that was on break, that had been working on our floor. Didn't see him the rest of the night. Told him it was good shit. he choked his nuts off. Don't think he knows much about sativa.
3 days in and the hospital got me with a photo package. Really? They have their own photographers to get more$ out of people?
Smh. good pictures though, and the photographer was hot with some massive tittays.

I did acquire a decent collection of nug jars, rubber gloves, couple towels to clean the grow room, alcohol wipes, some lube, a nurse's bad ass pen(accident) and a new blanket for my dog lol. it's the little things...

I smoked out a janitor that was on break, that had been working on our floor. Didn't see him the rest of the night. Told him it was good shit. he choked his nuts off. Don't think he knows much about sativa.

Sounds a lot like my stay lol. Did you eat all your wife's meals cuz she wasn't hungry and you were starving? Uh yeah I didn't do that either I mean.
Thanks fellas! Much appreciated. Still running on little sleep. . Must be the excitement of it all. full chillum of sift last night didn't even touch me. Usually I save sift for night time stone, then pass right out. First smoke in two days and Nadadamnthing.

Trying to get the missus as much rest between feedings. . She's off all serious pain meds besides Tylenol and Motrin. feels much better, even more than doctors expected.

*just started norcos. I misunderstood.

a zanny and couple stiff drinks when we get home tomorrow, then a deep deep slumber for who knows how long. I've got the wife's blessing lol.

I bet I've had twenty cups of coffee. Gonna have to ween myself off this shit when I get home.
Congrats dude! Big time congrats!

My baby girl will be here in 29 days.

So excited. :)
Sounds a lot like my stay lol. Did you eat all your wife's meals cuz she wasn't hungry and you were starving? Uh yeah I didn't do that either I mean.

Oh yea. They actually never questioned when she asked for two servings of bacon, eggs etc. I'm sure I'll see it on the bill. Do they charge insurance or us for food? Prob should've figured that out first. Wife's birthday was yesterday, so she got her pick for dinner when I left to let the dog out. Brought it back and she didn't want anything to do with it. Had to double down. It was nice.