What did you do for 4 days?

i got a few questions, if you don't mind..
so, did the oceanic 6 really exist? of did they never get off of the island, just the six of course, hence, the oceanic 6... that's it for now, but i'm sure i could come up with more..
ok, i lied, who in the hell did john locke become after he had ben kill jacob? i know the smoke monster, but i'm a bit confused over this..

I think the Oceanic 6 got off the island. And then came back. And we really don't know what happened to the other group who got off at the end. Yeah Jogn Locke was the smoke monster. He took over his body and tricked everybody into thinking he was Locke. Smoke monster couldn't kill Jacob, so he concocted a big old ruse to have someone else do it.
You never asked. I wasn't impressed as it fucked up the taste of the wine. Back then concentrates weren't common knowledge and certainly not the purity of now days. Prolly could make a nice tasting wine with concentrates
Meh after your etoh concentrate, now THAT is ass kicking with a capital ASS
Fuck! RIU comes back on and I gotta go trim all night! Fuck!


On the plus side we can post memes from the internet now. But I still can't upload all this quality material I have saved on my computer.
Fuck! RIU comes back on and I gotta go trim all night! Fuck!


On the plus side we can post memes from the internet now. But I still can't upload all this quality material I have saved on my computer.[/Qoute]

I chopped all but one larfy ass plant I want permission to kill he he

WHOA I asked how many you have left and bam it didn't post, very odd
Yeah, I went snooping around at Grass City for a few minutes one night.

They said we sucked pretty bad over here.

I think somebody over there was once touched inappropriately by "that Sunshine guy".
I almost choked on a nacho chip reading that. @mr sunshine is known world wide.
@mr sunshine and
@Carne Seca (for those in the know)

Oh and we have PCN for those lil' indiscretions