what do u call yourself

your a private contractor for the United States of America Inc. tell people you track algorithms in the stock market to ensure no insider trading happens and hacking most of your work you do at home. bla bla bla.
Your a private commodities broker who buys produce and sells to wholesalers.
Your a home inspector.
You do custom welding for the oil and pipe industry.
Something you have knowledge about so you can bullshit with it.

knuckle bump
I think boring things like warehouse worker or data entry would be best because the only people who would be interested are others that work in the same field.
Tell people you work in a greenhouse, filling orders and watering plants. One of my good friends told me this for like 7 years, untill I got my medical license. Then he came clean and told me that his real job is running a clone house. He manages 4 employees who cut 10,000+ clones a week and a driver who delivers them. No one in his life knows what his real job is other than me and his wife.
Back in the early days of the internet I made really good money with porn sites. It was so easy.

When people asked what I did I just told them I got very lucky day trading for a year and now am a student working on another degree living off the money I made trading. There's a lot of older students now so it's not odd that you'd be a student at 36 working on a new degree for a modern field (computer science for example). It's a pretty good story because it's not very conversation worthy and you don't really need to elaborate on it much.

Sometimes people would ask if I'm still trading and have any tips I'd just say I was 100 percent focused on school and was out of the loop currently so I have no advice.
can't you say your in between jobs but are working on starting your own business in the med delivery field?