what do u call yourself

You could tell them that you're a mod on an internet website. They probably won't even know what the fuck that is:-D Perfect!
Im often referred to as, "Daddy", "Bro", "Dude" or "asshole".

Please note, I'm not an actual father. So the term "Daddy" is only referred when my erect penis is inserting into and retracting from a wet vagina, and is used more as an expression of enjoyment rather than an actual name.

Hope this helped.

Yours truly,
How about the truth? Im sure if they got love for ya they would understand I recently opened up to my immediate family of what it was its something you do not who you are :clap::hump: im considered the friendly hookup

i was told telling the truth is always the best choice ........but when i practice this it blows up in my face .. every time that is why i learned to tell the truth with out telling the full truth

Street pharmacist or happiness provider.
the happiness provider tryed that one ......some sick ppl out there want some messed up stuff i will never use that term again ( i was the middleman for years they give me the cash i get what they asked for .....no more of that)

There is a club who call me 'la reina' but I'll make sure this stupid nickname doesn't stick.
i am known as Ishmale in west virgina

naw with weed i am cool ...water off a duck's back
sunshine lol

are all names im called daily...well and mijo

i dont have to tell people what i do, people dont question my income (including the govt) as im worth...a fucking lot.

everyone i know, knows i grow

but hypothetically im meeting a chicks parents as you said and they for some reason dont know me

id be dr qk, that designs new drugs and drug delivery systems, is also the head honcho and you would be proud to have your daughter land intellect and money (plus ive been told im pretty good looking) ..or i dont do shit and collect oil money..or dont do shit and let the rock quarry do its thing or that i sell cattle...or that i manufacture and distribut illegal drugs through high level cartel connects.
depends what kinda chick im after

either way, put on a suit.. a real one
ok one thing i should share
6 foot .230lbs ..beard is about 8 inches long pulled down 6 inches bushed out ..amish style with a 3inch brim hat
solid color tshirts and jeans (summer time cut off jeans i cut them mid shin if mild winter i keep them year long)

Amish fucker .......biz suits and stuff like that does not fit me(think zz top with a 3 inch brim hat ) .......well i am going to be running into a bunch of ppl have not seen in a year or so...... so thanks for the "job titles" bounce a few off some of my oldest buddies if they think it will work then i should have a chance to program a default answer in my head
Tell them you are a life coach. You cannot divulge your clients because it is confidential. That way you don't have to talk about it and can possibly get some asshole to pay you to give them life advice. Winner winner, chicken dinner!