Realistically if you are going to put this much effort into your grow I would say just save your money.
Good luck
This would be a full time job for sure. 12+ lbs each turn might be possible on paper but no way in hell out of 300 sq feet with 1 person tending and trimming. A standard 2 car garage in the US is around 380 to 400 sq ft. I have seen one with 8 1000 watt bulbs burning with an EXPERT grower steering the ship and he still was only hitting 8 to10lbs dry max and it was a clusterfuck the whole way. Controling the room was rough when flowing that much water. Temp, humidity,insects, nutes... makes me tired even thinking about it. Max I've ever had fired up was 4x1000 and I still have the callous on my index finger and thumb from trimming that shit 3 years ago. Good luck but Im happy being a hobbiest at this point.
You asked me to stop by, and I did. My impression is that you may be getting in a little over your head. I could be wrong. Tell me, though...what kind of growing experience do you have? What is the largest grow op you've managed?
first thx for stopping by i appreciate that
as im in the uk i dont really wanna go into details bout growing experience
and i dont belive in people who brag coz u may think its a lie or overexagerated etc
all i can say really is i use to live in the south of france and got a fair share of nice big crop guerilla style i think u say in the US and a bit less experience indoor
but that being said im really not trying to do all that on my own or got the million dollar stupid idea
im trying to demonstrate something for the uk
+ its always interesting to c how different people would manage a setup differently for a same goal
now i think rite know u the one with the most experience on here
what would u do
space wise
wattage wise
system wise
how would u deal with that much electricity
i basically want people to give me there ideas if they ad the money the space the know how the time etc how would they do it maybe just one maybe 2-3 different setpup to compare on different budgets but all indoor
ps : if im still not clear just ask and if u dont have time thx for stopping by anyway
u in california rite ? is it possible for europeen to come there and get a medical card for weed or do they have to live there + lets say i move there would i be able to grow ive always asked myself that question
thx again