What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm sorry if it was over your head.

I'll try to keep it simple for you next time ;-)
lol you are alright, there's nothing wrong with my comprehension.

Think of it the way that good horse trainers do. If the horse doesn't understand, it isn't the horses fault , it's the trainers fault for not communicating well enough. I don't always understand the written word on the 'net. It usually lacks nuance. Try again, believe it or not I will try to understand your point of view. I may not agree, but I will try to understand it.
good song! I always did like Billy Joel.
FDR spoke truth to power.

You should read up on him and what he did for America after the Crash of '29 and how he led the country back from the Great Depression.

We badly need another leader like him.

Even more than that, we need to stand up as a people and demand that our country respect us, stop stealing from the rest to enrich the few and stop being such a murderous imperialist power around the world.

If We the People made ourselves heard, our politicians would fall all over themselves to do our bidding.
It is up to us to demand that our political system and those in speak the truth and end corruption. It won't happen until we demand it. It won't happen unless we demand it.

And once we do demand it, we will be irresistible.

Look at South Korea; the People entered the streets and demanded their government impeach, remove, indict and imprison the Prime Minister for corruption- and kept it up until their government did it.

I can only imagine what would happen to the American political scene if people did something similar here!

Don't pass out on me, but on these issues I have to agree with you.

I think that some of you may be misunderstanding me. I am not totally conservative, nor am I totally liberal. Maybe 60-65% of the former, and 35-40% of the latter. I have responded as honestly and as straightforward as possible to the several comments and the poll. You totally disagree with me, and that's okay I don't totally agree with you, but on some of your points, I agree.

All I ask is to be respectful. I try to be respectful, even if I don't always succeed.

Care to start over?

this video by Dr. Sowell was in 1993 but his statements are applicable today
there are more people in poverty because more and more people where becoming poor. the war on poverty didn't get billions of dollars like the war on drugs so it's no wonder. this guy attributes that to some small effort to combat it. he is a nutter.
True, it is an honor system. But, he is laundering Russian money through his businesses, all on the books. That is why he won't release his returns.

his business has been described as a "russian money laundering front that dabbles in real estate".

and the financial crimes division is all over him.

probably all innocent of everything though.
lol you are alright, there's nothing wrong with my comprehension.

Think of it the way that good horse trainers do. If the horse doesn't understand, it isn't the horses fault , it's the trainers fault for not communicating well enough. I don't always understand the written word on the 'net. It usually lacks nuance. Try again, believe it or not I will try to understand your point of view. I may not agree, but I will try to understand it.
good song! I always did like Billy Joel.

Don't pass out on me, but on these issues I have to agree with you.

I think that some of you may be misunderstanding me. I am not totally conservative, nor am I totally liberal. Maybe 60-65% of the former, and 35-40% of the latter. I have responded as honestly and as straightforward as possible to the several comments and the poll. You totally disagree with me, and that's okay I don't totally agree with you, but on some of your points, I agree.

All I ask is to be respectful. I try to be respectful, even if I don't always succeed.

Care to start over?

smells like tbonejack.