What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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you are equating freedom as equality which should come from socialism when capitalism is the only system that is for the individual therefore for personal freedom. focusing on the corruption that exists in WS and the banks is only the tip of the iceberg. the whole system is corrupt.
Then perhaps you can explain why you're defending it?
i'm not! i have been stating all along that the system is corrupt. a lot of you want to see socialism as a response to fix it and i do not.
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Your ideas are bankrupting the country and have been since the Reagan Era. 40 years. If a strategy of low taxes haven't worked by now, maybe it's because it DOESN'T FUCKING WORK?!

Corporate and individual taxes, especially on high incomes, were much higher in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. America worked far better for everyone in those days, to the point where even Republicans point to that era as a golden age. Of course, THEY don't mention the tax rates, a very telling omission that betrays their agenda;

I reject your 'beliefs' and I present you with cold, hard facts. When your ideology is clearly wrong, it's time to question it and start over- or admit you're just a shill.
you are equating freedom as equality which should come from socialism when capitalism is the only system that is for the individual therefore for personal freedom. focusing on the corruption that exists in WS and the banks is only the tip of the iceberg. the whole system is corrupt.

What is so amazing about Icebergs that makes folks run and hide.
If we start chipping at the top you'll find there's plenty of room in the ocean for them to float on their own.
i'm not! i have been stating all along that the system is corrupt. a lot of you want to see socialism as a response to fix it and i do not.
Then why do you support the Republican Party that continues to 'deregulate' Wall Street, aka allow them to be corrupt with impunity? Gutting the SEC strikes me as a policy of allowing the thieves to run the market. How will that stop graft?
A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed either--their actions are just different enough to continue to allow the majority of the population to believe they have a choice between two very different parties but in reality both Ds and Rs are moving the country toward socialism, just at different speeds.
Ran out of morality plays to recount?

I was just wondering if you could explain how cutting off health care to half the workers in this country who make an average wage or less is in any way a solution to the problem that most can't afford health care coverage without a subsidy in one form or another.
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Ran out of morality plays to recant?

I was just wondering if you could explain how cutting off health care to half the workers in this country who make an average wage or less is in any way a solution to the problem that most can't afford health care coverage without a subsidy in one form or another.
That's why morality and beliefs are the last refuges of immoral people; they don't want to be held accountable for the consequences of their policies, because they're 'right'.

She's stupid and mean-spirited, nothing more. The proof is the fact that she steadfastly defends policies that are actually detrimental to her personal situation.
That's why morality and beliefs are the last refuges of immoral people; they don't want to be held accountable for the consequences of their policies, because they're 'right'.

She's stupid and mean-spirited, nothing more. The proof is the fact that she steadfastly defends policies that are actually detrimental to her personal situation.
I don't think she's stupid. I think she's caught up in a maze of false beliefs. If she would only come to this forum with an open mind she can be brought to the light.

Just kidding. About the open mind bit. Never going to happen.
"A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed"

This, I believe is the fundamental problem with American Government today.
If it isn't true, it isn't a fact.

This might be obvious to us but if we can't even agree on basic definitions, understanding between sides becomes impossible.

One wonders if this is intentional.
"A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed"

This, I believe is the fundamental problem with American Government today.

the trump family of grifters embodies this perfectly. they are what is wrong with americans, and thus its government.

Then why do you support the Republican Party that continues to 'deregulate' Wall Street, aka allow them to be corrupt with impunity? Gutting the SEC strikes me as a policy of allowing the thieves to run the market. How will that stop graft?

i do not support the Republican Party. i'd like to see the Fed gutted and the corruption stopped. i think corruption has ruined the SEC more than anything
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Your ideas are bankrupting the country and have been since the Reagan Era. 40 years. If a strategy of low taxes haven't worked by now, maybe it's because it DOESN'T FUCKING WORK?!

Corporate and individual taxes, especially on high incomes, were much higher in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. America worked far better for everyone in those days, to the point where even Republicans point to that era as a golden age. Of course, THEY don't mention the tax rates, a very telling omission that betrays their agenda;
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I reject your 'beliefs' and I present you with cold, hard facts. When your ideology is clearly wrong, it's time to question it and start over- or admit you're just a shill.

you are aware of the debt this nation is in currently, right? our national debt at the end of 2016 was $20Trillion with the present value of unfunded obligations (SS & Medicaid) at $70Trillion. so where do you think more money should come from? SS is a ponzi scheme and that program along with the VA, Medicaid, etc., shows that the government cannot manage the money of The People. the fact that the Fed has started monetizing the debt means this country is in serious trouble.

anyway, none of you are debating. i am not "stupid" because i don't want socialism in my country. useful idiots want socialism. i'm done - none of you know now to discuss hard topics with someone you disagree with - you only know how to call someone stupid.
you are aware of the debt this nation is in currently, right? our national debt at the end of 2016 was $20Trillion with the present value of unfunded obligations (SS & Medicaid) at $70Trillion. so where do you think more money should come from? SS is a ponzi scheme and that program along with the VA, Medicaid, etc., shows that the government cannot manage the money of The People. the fact that the Fed has started monetizing the debt means this country is in serious trouble.

anyway, none of you are debating. i am not "stupid" because i don't want socialism in my country. useful idiots want socialism. i'm done - none of you know now to discuss hard topics with someone you disagree with - you only know how to call someone stupid.
I don't think you're stupid, just naive.

Every time the right wing radicals get into power they pass bills to cut taxes, raise spending and balloon the debt. Bill Clinton left office with the budget in surplus. Obama cut the deficit five years running, AFTER dealing with the second worst recession in modern US history.

And you say Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin.

Which is why I say you are naive.

Social security is doing just fine. The only way it fails is if Republicans cause it to do so. Medicare is healthy and the Affordable Care Act helped extend funding at current levels for another decade.

You don't know the difference between social democracy and communism. I'm not saying you are stupid but Sweden never has been a communist nation. It most certainly has a strong vibrant and healthy socialist economy.

Trump is shagging you and all right wingers. In the ass, without lube, he might use some spit if he respects his whore. In your case, I doubt he would.
you are equating freedom as equality which should come from socialism when capitalism is the only system that is for the individual therefore for personal freedom. focusing on the corruption that exists in WS and the banks is only the tip of the iceberg. the whole system is corrupt.
Individualism and Individualist anarchism specifically. but also socialism is a science of creating and maintaining a fair and equitable society. some communists believe in equal property but most socialists and even communists are cool with people having different things and more or less. but to be fair and equitable , everyone has to have the opportunity to earn the same. under capitalism there is a small top and large base holding it up. it is a pyramid scheme. you can't get to the top. the one % did not earn all that wealth and they should give some back which won't hurt them but they won't. trumps tax cuts help the top 2% not everyone. How can everyone be free without equality?