What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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corruption. the dichotomy that the majority of the American people participate in when in fact the Ds and the Rs are of the same coin and are deceiving the People. the oligarchy that controls the system. can i mention corruption twice?
Noam Chomsky talks about regulatory capture as another form of corruption.

He's absolutely right.
Your comment is condescending and tells me you aren't listening.

This is what real people think about our government. Millions of them.

You can sneer at it all you want, but you still have to deal with them, on their level, if you'd like to see change.

Citizens United is a decision of evil genius; it turned so many people off to government and being involved in their own governance that the corrupt have an even more open playing field than ever, even beyond the ruling allowing unlimited cash in politics!
Your comment is condescending and tells me you aren't listening.

This is what real people think about our government. Millions of them.

You can sneer at it all you want, but you still have to deal with them, on their level, if you'd like to see change.

Citizens United is a decision of evil genius; it turned so many people off to government and being involved in their own governance that the corrupt have an even more open playing field than ever, even beyond the ruling allowing unlimited cash in politics!

Try to turn away
From the spectacle of living everyday
The fear you cultivate
The jingoist hysteria
The lust for blood for god and state

Indoctrinate the children with your vitriol and lies
Then poison their humanity put blinders on their eyes
Flesh blood-burning lights a propaganda scam
Sequestered and obedient to god and Uncle Sam

First we need a threat
To the democratic interest we protect
Create an air of fear
So we can vilify then justify

They lie we die
My fundamental problem with American government atm, is everything.

But, the thing that struck me the hardest, was the lack of support from the group who are convinced democrats deserve the current administration's partisan/and political attacks. The one's, who voted outside of the party, arguing that that their vote would have brought some kind of semblance of control to the opposition with radical/extreme left idealism. Their line of reasoning seems to have been that we deserve an autocratic, racist, sexist shit-stain for a leader because we were not honest with ourselves, and the way we ran the campaign.

So, instead of having a figurehead who we could of disagreed with on when it comes to a few policies, and still have some sort of progress, we all will have to endure 4 years of playing obstruction games with everything this orange shit-bag throws up onto us. Health care, tax cuts, all those things the right are so cavalier about. I do not know about you, but I do not want to become the party of "No". I never have. But, since they have set the precedent for this sort of thing when it comes to our ideas, I would sincerely hate to let them down.

I am not sure if that even makes sense, but, imho, it is still such a bummer that we couldn't get together as a party and keep these fascist cunts from trolling us for the next four years.

"There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, the people who own it, that unless you're free the machine will be prevented from working at all." - Savio
I believe the American People are reaching the point of Savio's vision.

Things will get real interesting then.

Try to turn away
From the spectacle of living everyday
The fear you cultivate
The jingoist hysteria
The lust for blood for god and state

Indoctrinate the children with your vitriol and lies
Then poison their humanity put blinders on their eyes
Flesh blood-burning lights a propaganda scam
Sequestered and obedient to god and Uncle Sam

First we need a threat
To the democratic interest we protect
Create an air of fear
So we can vilify then justify

They lie we die
Nice to see you back, pin
I believe the American People are reaching the point of Savio's vision.

Things will get real interesting then.
Do you believe that you are a "Real American"? 95% of commenters on political sites like Breitbart and Infowars call people like you (who bring up comments like this) "The scurge of the republic"! Why shouldn't I believe them (with all respect)?
Your comment is condescending and tells me you aren't listening.

This is what real people think about our government. Millions of them.

You can sneer at it all you want, but you still have to deal with them, on their level, if you'd like to see change.

Citizens United is a decision of evil genius; it turned so many people off to government and being involved in their own governance that the corrupt have an even more open playing field than ever, even beyond the ruling allowing unlimited cash in politics!
It is naive to say that the Democratic party and the Republican party are two sides of the same coin. To say so ignores the actions taken on civil rights by the Republican party. Not so many people of color or other people feeling the change in the air will agree that they are one and the same.
Citizens United is a decision of evil genius; it turned so many people off to government and being involved in their own governance that the corrupt have an even more open playing field than ever, even beyond the ruling allowing unlimited cash in politics!

And long dead Reagan's push to the right continues. He put those assholes on the SCOTUS that decided that case. And that decision will last just like Roe. v Wade lasts.

Elections are sooooo fucking important, more important than the headliner candidate on top of the ticket.

All the downstream appointments have lasting impact. Stay safe Ruthy.
And long dead Reagan's push to the right continues. He put those assholes on the SCOTUS that decided that case. And that decision will last just like Roe. v Wade lasts.

Elections are sooooo fucking important, more important than the headliner candidate on top of the ticket.

All the downstream appointments have lasting impact. Stay safe Ruthy.
You are a fucking rock, bro. And, I commend you for it. The long game is very important right now, and although it wasn't the strategy this round, the things that have been said and the careless actions taken, although ignored and deemed "fake" by this admin, will no doubt come back to haunt them. I used to think Gdubs was an a=political monster, but he was kind of right when he said History "will come to see me in an honest light".

I would take an honest idiot over a felonius, racist, sexist, and deliberate con.
Do you believe that you are a "Real American"? 95% of commenters on political sites like Breitbart and Infowars call people like you (who bring up comments like this) "The scurge of the republic"! Why shouldn't I believe them (with all respect)?
Because I commit the horrible crime of thinking for myself and questioning Breitbart.
It is naive to say that the Democratic party and the Republican party are two sides of the same coin. To say so ignores the actions taken on civil rights by the Republican party. Not so many people of color or other people feeling the change in the air will agree that they are one and the same.
You missed my point here;

This is the perception of millions of people. It may not describe the facts but it DOES describe the mindset of many voters.

Meet them where they are, or lose them.
And long dead Reagan's push to the right continues. He put those assholes on the SCOTUS that decided that case. And that decision will last just like Roe. v Wade lasts.

Elections are sooooo fucking important, more important than the headliner candidate on top of the ticket.

All the downstream appointments have lasting impact. Stay safe Ruthy.
I did vote for Mrs Clinton. Much of my motivation for being on these pages is to try to break through my own bubble of confirmation bias and whatever YouTube and Google serves up to get at the truth.
Noam Chomsky talks about regulatory capture as another form of corruption.

He's absolutely right.
noam chomsky is a genius in linguistics, but to use him as a political reference is no different than referring to michael moore or the koch brothers
noam chomsky is a genius in linguistics, but to use him as a political reference is no different than referring to michael moore or the koch brothers

Both of whom know a lot more about American politics than you ever will, Ted stalker.
noam chomsky is a genius in linguistics, but to use him as a political reference is no different than referring to michael moore or the koch brothers
different!. please point out the similarities. mike moore and chomsky both point out hypocrisy but are not on the same level. koch brothers influence politics in different ways. maybe they would all agree that there are conspiracies but koch bros are a part of active conspiracies while the other two use different methods to point out corruption.
You missed my point here;

This is the perception of millions of people. It may not describe the facts but it DOES describe the mindset of many voters.

Meet them where they are, or lose them.
A fact doesn't have to be believed to make it true. By their actions it is a fact that the Republican party is very different from the Democratic party.

If you believe that they are two sides of the same coin then your perception of the Democratic party is afflicted by propaganda from the very people who oppose your ideology. It is naive to think the Democratic Party is the same as the Republican Party. All one needs to do is watch what the to parties have done while in office.

Your railing on about the corrupt Democratic Party is another example of how propaganda from the right is effective.

Both of whom know a lot more about American politics than you ever will, Ted stalker.
Unlike you, Noam Chomsky has spent time learning the facts. His conclusions are well justified. Neither can be said about you.
noam spends time spinning bs to fit an agenda, similar to michael moore, koch brothers, bill nye, DNC, yourself and most everyone else in these forums