What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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..you aren't concerned about Republican actions such as dismantling the ACA without an adequate plan to cover everybody already

thats not important to everyone, so why do you write like it is? adequate is subjective. what is adequate to me, probably wont be adequate to you.
thats not important to everyone, so why do you write like it is? adequate is subjective. what is adequate to me, probably wont be adequate to you.
Try reading the whole sentence:

That you aren't concerned about Republican actions such as dismantling the ACA without an adequate plan to cover everybody already getting it is a reflection on your situation.

You saying exactly what I'm saying. @undercovergrow is in a situation where access to healthcare isn't a concern. Same for you brokedick. There is a subgroup in this society who care not about anybody else and only would concern themselves about health care if they are covered. A majority in this country disagree.
You saying exactly what I'm saying. @undercovergrow is in a situation where access to healthcare isn't a concern. Same for you brokedick. There is a subgroup in this society who care not about anybody else and only would concern themselves about health care if they are covered. A majority in this country disagree.
i read this 3 times. still doesnt make sense. if you just smoked a blunt, no worries, i get it
@Fogdog i'm saying that Trump and the Republicans are not fixing the health care system, they are just bringing about the original plan of single-payer healthcare that was originally wanted. health care is important to me--that's why i have always made decisions in my life that ensure i have it. i don't want the government involved in my health care.
Is the word naive condescending? I was succinct and accurate. I don't believe that anybody will be convinced on this site anyway. I come here to learn, be entertained and not to chase chimeras. @undercovergrow believes that facts don't have to be true, also that republicans are socialists. Changing undercover's mind is a mountain I don't think can be climbed. That said, I'm glad undercover responded back with an informative reply. I'm glad to gain a little more insight into the right wing view. We don't have to agree that facts are true or they are not facts nor do we have to agree that Republicans are or are not socialists. I doubt we will ever agree on these points.

Maybe we might agree that medicare is worth keeping, regardless of the label. Because Medicare has been shown to significantly reduce the rate of poverty among the elderly. If undercover has elderly parents, perhaps we can ally to keep this program in place. I made an opening towards this discussion but ucg didn't go that way.

Now you are saying Clinton lost the election because "deplorables". Do we now live in a world where the POTUS can say "grab em by the pussy" and the opposition is supposed to say to his vile fascist, racist, or misogynistic supporters something like

"how interesting that you should say that, let us discuss this further so that can we come to consensus of how you what you said, some would say, might have made people feel marginalized when you -- so mistakenly, I'm sure -- said what you did. Perhaps you meant something different from what I heard?"

You know what? I don't think of @undercovergrow as one of the "little" as you put it. I think ucg's viewpoint is valid to ucg. Ucg is naive about the difference between R's and D's but that's what ucg believes. When somebody tells me something, I take them at their word until I know better. Just saying.
"Little" was a keyboard swpye error that went uncorrected until after you saw the post. It was meant to be 'people'.

Agreed with the rest of your post here, unfortunately including the part about being able to change anyone's mind who isn't already looking for a new perspective.
what is "rich people" and what aid do they get directly?
Rich people don't make the majority of their income from wages; instead it comes from investment income, business profits and real estate, ALL of which are taxed at much lower rates than wages are.

Since you flip burgers, you don't know that.

The rich, through various tax deductions and subsidies also get to write off all kinds of things wage earners can't.

This adds up to a picture of rich getting aid and poor getting fucked.
@Fogdog i'm saying that Trump and the Republicans are not fixing the health care system, they are just bringing about the original plan of single-payer healthcare that was originally wanted. health care is important to me--that's why i have always made decisions in my life that ensure i have it. i don't want the government involved in my health care.
Hmmmm, so maybe you can explain why there are billions of dollars of tax cuts for the rich in the same legislation?

Maybe you can explain why the their plan will throw 24 million out of healthcare, and bring back additional costs for pre-existing conditions?

The Republicans are destroying health care under the guise of a pack of lies. And for some reason you're swallowing their story hook, line and sinker.
what is 1%. use your own words people, not terms made up in the last 18 months. fuck
Awwwww that education stuff is hard for you, isn't it?

1% is defined as one in one hundred, dumb fuck. In this case the term- which has been around for generations, not months- is used to describe the top one in a hundred income earning individuals in society. Is that simple enough for you, burger boy?

Don't get all emotional about it.
@Fogdog i believe that people believe things to be true and believe them to be facts when they are not true and therefore not factual. just a bit of confusion between us regarding that part.

the system as it currently is set up has been moving this country toward socialism for quite some time and the only difference between the two parties is the speed at which they do it. the "details" like what they believe on abortion, immigration, etc., are just hot ticket items to keep the people engaged that there is "something being done" about the items this country has needed to address for generations. taxes--let's tax the rich!! that'll do it. medicare and the like are just systems designed to bring the people toward a single-payer health care system. just because someone doesn't agree that the federal government should be the entity that decides who gets what and what kind of help doesn't mean i don't desire to see people taken care of.

Why do you want to pay10% of GDP to Ins. company's?