What do you do with your cannabis proceeds? non legal states/countries'

Right haha.
I'd like to be able to use the $ for a house deposit but it seems that is impossible :(

Spend the cash on groceries, clothes, everyday living expenses, then you will be spending less banked money and you will have more in the bank. Also, a house deposit might be less than you think. Everyone was telling me I would need 20% down but when I talked to a realestate agent she toldme about FHA loans only like 1% or 2% down. Its easier to get a house than some people think.

I already have everything I want so I mostly just hoard the extra cash or buy food and drinks and have friends come over to the house for get togethers.
I pay all my bills, child support, and everyday expenses with my legit income from music, and I pay for everything else I can with cash: toys, electronics, clothes, quick get-aways (can't do actual vacations because I can't leave the op for more than 3 days or so), all entertainment. I save the hundred dollar bills and put a lot of that into a good sized safety deposit box which is getting tight, gonna have to get another. I keep about 20k in the house for emergencies or whatever, and the prostitutes I visit prefer cash, so that's no problem. I've also purchased a couple REALLY fine violins that will just appreciate with age, it's a good way to hide my cash. It really isn't that difficult, at least for relatively small-timers like me...
Invest in shoe boxes/cigar boxes. Make all small, less than a $1000, purchases with cash. Work a "normal" job to show income. Make sure any recordable purchases don't exceed what your "normal" job can account for. Bury cash until you retire, worry about how to explain it at that point. That's my plan.
No!! Don't bury cash silver is pretty low right now buy and bury it will go up in value while cash will go down especially with this $15 minimum wage coming.
I donate my profits to the UNCLE BUCK FOR PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN Fund . He's slated to begin campaigning in 2018 .
I've knew of him back when he was just a small time treadmill salesman !