what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

not from personal experience but DMT,, the one with the extra molecule gives you visuals,,, welll apparently you will be shot in to a different dimension of some time
not from personal experience but DMT,, the one with the extra molecule gives you visuals,,, welll apparently you will be shot in to a different dimension of some time

unless you have a small amount, then you can see some sparkles and colors and shit :-D
Most visual is a ball peen hammer on the back of the head. Never saw colors like that before.
The most psychedelic trip i've had was on mushrooms my first time. I ate an 1/8th and fryed ballz curled up in a ball seeing this little cartoon flyingsaucer fly around me. then i got to my friends house and by that time i was peaking, i saw vivid washing color, if you think how a weak flow of water washes down in waves. I saw that on everything but each wave was a different neon color.:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock: Shrooming is beast. but Dmt has to be the most visual, you have full head movies, and when you wake up everything shimmers like water. I've heard it called God's eye.
lsd hands down, also well cooked ketamin will make you see mad shit like people turning into dinosaurs n all sorts of wierd things. But seriously you cant beat good quality L.S.D!
not from personal experience but DMT,, the one with the extra molecule gives you visuals,,, welll apparently you will be shot in to a different dimension of some time

The one with the extra molecule is 5-meo-dmt. That one is actually the one that has very little to no visual effects. You are thinking of n,n-dmt. :peace:
whats dop and dpt

Erowid says, DPT is a relatively uncommon psychedelic tryptamine with effects somewhat similar to those of N,N-DMT. It is best known for having been used as a sacrament by the Temple of the True Inner Light.

and DOP is dextrorphan and I don't know shit about that.

However I do like dop(e)
Ive never tried dmt or dpt or ppp or y2k or any of that stuff, but i have went into many of cow fields and picked countless numbers of shrooms. Maybe its the strength of the tea i made or maybe we just have really good shrooms but i have seen some shit before. I dont think i would want to go any deeper into the rabbit hole.
pxd-7? what is that some alexander shulgin stuff...

Ive done pleanty of LSD, i have learned to extract DMT out of mimosa hostillis bark from brazil.

Dmt to me is the most visual, the thing is most people only remember 10-20 percent of there experiences. More so higher doses 50-100 mg (if smoked proper) will send you to the farthest reaches of "consciousness".

Maybe i shouldnt be speaking so freely but i highly doubt the government is going to raid me becasue i have amde this stuff a few times haha.

To each his own tho, ive tripped pretty hard off of LSD as well. And remember 70-90 percent of all ym expereinces as opposed to DMT 10-20 percent hahahaahahaha.

That stuff opens your mind, if you can get your hands on some DO IT!!!
pxd-7 is by far the most visual hallucinogen

I just tried looking this up on erowid and several other sites and couldn't find anything at all that was named this. Is this even a real chemical because I'm pretty sure I would have heard of this?