what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

shit i need some better hook ups all ive done is shrooms and salvia. but some lsd will be added to that list by the end of the week.
duh ... sorry ... didn't realize that it was exactly the same. So DMT is an extraction or a synthetic?
Anything that grows naturally and have been stated are all good. But it's also true that you can have some immunity to naturally occuring compounds.
Stuff that's been synthesised in a laboratory will always have more effects, as it's been created specifically to do so. Old school LSD will always do wigged
out shit to you, but it's very hard to come by as with all things, once a drug gets too popular it starts to get watered down to meet with demand (or profit, or both)

Personally, I've always enjoyed mushrooms. Tripping just isn't fun wheh you live somewhere that rains pretty much all year around, it's what made me stop.
Almost all DMT that anyone will ever see is extracted. In Tihkal they did it themselves in a lab. If you do a good job you can get it really pure in an extraction.
LSD (round the world tabs). First time I was 17 took 2.5 and saw the sun explode. I then turned into a fry baby and was always tripping balls.
I have been researching a little and have a growing interest in trying this ....but I am uncertain still at this time. I will keep walking forward and learning as much as I can ....
I have been researching a little and have a growing interest in trying this ....but I am uncertain still at this time. I will keep walking forward and learning as much as I can ....

If you want to do this, do not try the ayahuasca way because you have to take an MAOI which makes you follow a strict diet for a while. There are lots of bad reactions between most things and MAOI's too. From what I hear, it isn't too hard to extract it yourself. I might try to in the near future as its near impossible to find anywhere else.
interesting and much appreciated background. I understand what you mean. Many thanks. Walking On!!~~ :peace:

My original thoughts were at actually going and doing it in the Amazon jungle ... with the shaman ... but that is just a thought .... absolutely no plans of anything in particular for the next year or more ..... I expect ... thanks again.
If you want to do this, do not try the ayahuasca way because you have to take an MAOI which makes you follow a strict diet for a while. There are lots of bad reactions between most things and MAOI's too. From what I hear, it isn't too hard to extract it yourself. I might try to in the near future as its near impossible to find anywhere else.
From what I hear, it isn't too hard to extract it yourself. I might try to in the near future as its near impossible to find anywhere else.
Dmt can easly be extracted from mimosa hostilis inner bark, through a acid then base extraction. It looks easy but you have to be really carefull. I've done straight to base before and didn't get anything useful. But acid to base should work.
dmt, if it isnt' extracted it's synthetic if it's not synthetic then its shaman's brew of ether bufo toad venom, yapo, or that drink of a bunch of different plants that naturally produce trace amounts of dmt combined with an MAOI to let the dmt pass from your blood stream to your brain tissue where the magic happens. does that help alittle
dmt, if it isnt' extracted it's synthetic if it's not synthetic then its shaman's brew of ether bufo toad venom, yapo, or that drink of a bunch of different plants that naturally produce trace amounts of dmt combined with an MAOI to let the dmt pass from your blood stream to your brain tissue where the magic happens. does that help alittle

eh.. the Bufo alvarious actually does not contain DMT, on the contrary it contains 5-MeO-DMT and 5-OH-DMT. As to the Anadenanthera (yopo), it contains mainly 5-OH-DMT (Bufotenin), along with 5-MeO-DMT, and finally DMT.
eh.. the Bufo alvarious actually does not contain DMT, on the contrary it contains 5-MeO-DMT and 5-OH-DMT. As to the Anadenanthera (yopo), it contains mainly 5-OH-DMT (Bufotenin), along with 5-MeO-DMT, and finally DMT.
Dmt is still the base compound, and i swear the Bufo venom was n-n-dmt