And you accuse me of being angry... LOL!!! I dont hate anyone and I hope everyone gets to eat. In fact, I have not heard of anyone starving lately. This gets thrown about a lot. Please provide an example of Americans starving to death because Donald Trump didnt care...
The problem, for you, is you realize the logical fallacy you would have to step in to continue supporting your premise.
The answer to the question is no, not all labor has value. Suddenly we are now on the playing field of judging which labor has more value than which other labor. And accordingly, this is the US labor market. The market decides which labor has value and how much value that labor has and pays accordingly.
You are unhappy that some people seemingly have it much better than other people and the system isnt 'fair' yet somehow, the government can fix it if they just take money from some people and give it to other people.
Newsflash: the government doesnt care, it cannot care any more than a corporation can care. The difference is a corporation cannot compel you to do anything unless it has government backing like Obamacare. You are fearing the wrong entity..