What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

Gov't exists to protect private property and serve the ruling class.

We agree on that... But it doesnt really protect the private property since property is not private.

It enforces the rules that the lienholders enjoy during the time they pay their confiscatory and mandatory taxes. If the tax payments are abridged the government comes in by force and evicts the people in favor of others who will pay the tithe...

And you fear corporations more than government... LOL!!!
All wealth is created by labor.

If kkkynes could never win with the distortion tactics, how do you think you'll really do with that?

It is called a debate.

Most wealth is created by labor. Market forces can create and eliminate wealth. But your premise is correct that wealth is created by labor.

But does all labor create wealth? If you want to be honest then you would have to agree that indeed, not all labor creates wealth.

What follows after that?
$7.25 an hour

1 year of work, no sick days. I work 1 year at minimum wage without calling out once, receiving 0 customer complaints, totally ideal minimum wage worker in every respect.. How much do you think, MAXIMUM, should I be compensated for, if at all? Why?
Kinda depends on what you're doing. Also how easily you can be replaced.