What does "OG" Mean...

It means ocean grown. It originated from cali near the ocean. So when being named it was given OG for ocean grown. It would be like if you bred a kush strain in the desert you would probably name it desert kush or something like that.
The og stands for Ocean Grown. At least thats what those of us that started it ment it to mean, However, because some rapper started calling himself Og (Original Gangsta) It sort of carried over to the weed industry. The original Og kush came from an area of the Emerald triangle called in the town of Weed california. And it was Actually grown along the north bank of Lake Shastina on a 10 acre piece of private lakefront property.
I would bet my bottom dollar the OG in the name probably had something to do with overgrow.com. I can just imagine there having been og kush, og haze , og oaxaca lol an on and on. From what i hear so many genetics changed hands via that site it would almost seem fitting. This is an opinion! Peace

So you're the one who resurrected this dinosaur thread.:peace:

i don't mean new og hybrids. I get why they throw og in front of everything now.
I mean the original cut from bagseed.
When they were sitting around deciding what to name it back in the day before you, me, or anybody who werent members of that site knew about it.
i think it had something to do with them being members of overgrow.com and how prominent overgrow was in the culture then.(just like today someone found some dank and went to the forums to spread the word) but back then there was only one forum ....OVERGROW
I have only heard stories, but apparently overgrow was like "our" mecca or something man. think riu but MASSIVE!
The og stands for Ocean Grown. At least thats what those of us that started it ment it to mean, However, because some rapper started calling himself Og (Original Gangsta) It sort of carried over to the weed industry. The original Og kush came from an area of the Emerald triangle called in the town of Weed california. And it was Actually grown along the north bank of Lake Shastina on a 10 acre piece of private lakefront property.

So you or someone you know gave it the infamous monicre "o.g."
Far be it from me to call bullshit with my 30 posts so what i will say is this...... i am intrigued tell me more pls.
The og stands for Ocean Grown. At least thats what those of us that started it ment it to mean, However, because some rapper started calling himself Og (Original Gangsta) It sort of carried over to the weed industry. The original Og kush came from an area of the Emerald triangle called in the town of Weed california. And it was Actually grown along the north bank of Lake Shastina on a 10 acre piece of private lakefront property.

Hey melungeonman!

Are you going to be trading/selling that melungeonman magic strain clones any time soon? I saw you mention it elsewhere that once you got your card you would be willing to distribute some clones.
Original gangster or anything like that is made up ass shit. These strains were grown by everyday folks, not a mutha fucka out slangin dope and sprayin people with their ak47s. Driving six-fours and sippin fourty ounces. lol Stupid kids.
Used to visit over grow site and I remember when it was shut down. The other sites that at the time were up and running had a very large number of peeps showing up asking what happened. It sent shock waves that had everyone on edge. Think you can still find parts in archives from some site out in the web o sphere.

Part of the real story:
It is possible that the people in mass that found the 8 seeds in the 2 pounds of the chem strain from colorado at the dead show grew out the seeds and crossed it with mass super skunk and called it Chem dog. (It was written in an old issue of HT about the ones who found it. Also info about the phish tour. Think Canabible covers that part well)

They might have been or one close to them might have been on overgrow during that time. The clone (Chem Dog) made it's way to NYC. Crossed with another strain (Became NYCD and ECSD) a
and eventually "the chem dog clone made it's way to a grower in lake tahoe. "(Quote from HT January 2011 issue #420 The Story of Kush pp.43)

After that Swerve got it and the rest is folklore. That issue does lay out how Tahoe OG Kush was bred. (San Fernando Valley OG Kush F3 X Tahoe kush clone(aka chem dog). pp 48. Also the Larry OG clone was crossed with the San Fernando Valley OG kush F3 to make cali connections, Larry OG Kush.

The San Fernando valley clone, larry kush clone and a few others might have been around before the Tahoe clone made it to the west coast or could have been hybrids as suggested elsewhere in this thread. It was from that point the OG name came about. And the new name "OG Kush."
pepe le skunk-

Part of the real story:
It is possible that the people in mass that found the 8 seeds in the 2 pounds of the chem strain from colorado at the dead show grew out the seeds and crossed it with mass super skunk and called it Chem dog.

--I think original diesel is chemdawg x mass super skunk brotha ... least from what i've read.
Your bottom dollar is gone. They attach og to either let you know they crossed og kush into or to push the sales because og kush is so well known.
this, i agree if u smoke og than u kno what the real deal is ,i dont know about oceangrown indoor but og to me means origanal gangster aka the most respected ,the top dog , since og thrives so much in l.a the streets just prolly ran with it, it makes more sensce than the bay area oceangrown story haha l.a put og on the map i remember wen the bay use to b all about purp hype haha now everyone swears they have og
lol is this still being debated?? its deff OCEAN GROWN no if, ands, or buts, about it. its NOT original gangster although in OTHER cases thats what OG would mean.