What don't people understand about "Separation of Church and State"?

Do you think our government should maintain "Separation of Church and State"?

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  • It's complicated

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no it just tells me my parents had comen cence. it is not natural for men to fuck men. my parents where not bigotes neather am i.I just fell people like men with men has a brain problem.I also don't think two men should raise no children to fuck up there minds.fags are sick people.AND YES women do have buttholes and if she wounts it in her butthole I will give it to her but men should never do that to a nother man.IF every man fucked men man would die out and the world would not excest at least with no people in the world.That is why GOD mad adam and eva not adam and steve.I know I can spell for shit but that will not send me to hell.But gay men will go strait to hell.jmo and i will not chang my mind for no one..GOD did not chang his mind GOD SAID being gay was wrong AND GOD HAS NEVER BEEN WRONG AND HE DID NOT CHANG HIS MIND AND GOD NEVER WILL.That is why GOD IS GOD.
no it just tells me my parents had comen cence. it is not natural for men to fuck men. my parents where not bigotes neather am i.I just fell people like men with men has a brain problem.I also don't think two men should raise no children to fuck up there minds.fags are sick people.AND YES women do have buttholes and if she wounts it in her butthole I will give it to her but men should never do that to a nother man.IF every man fucked men man would die out and the world would not excest at least with no people in the world.That is why GOD mad adam and eva not adam and steve.I know I can spell for shit but that will not send me to hell.But gay men will go strait to hell.jmo and i will not chang my mind for no one..GOD did not chang his mind GOD SAID being gay was wrong AND GOD HAS NEVER BEEN WRONG AND HE DID NOT CHANG HIS MIND AND GOD NEVER WILL.That is why GOD IS GOD.

Nothing in this post actually demonstrates that you or your parents aren't bigots. I'm afraid it takes more than just saying "nu uh" and then repeating the same bigoted shit you've already said before. The reason you cannot spell is the same reason you cannot see yourself as a hypocrite and a bigot - you don't know how to think.

It's also one of the weakest positions I've ever seen anyone take. I don't have anal sex because I don't want to. But what you've told us is that, if God did say "Adam and Steve," then it would be okay and you would be plowing gay ass all day long because you are afraid of hell. Where the rest of us have preferences and morals, you have an empty mind that is only capable of believing and parroting ideas that someone else put there.

It's not unfair for me to say these things about you, because you have told us them yourself. You brought your parents into it when you say you were raised this way. You brought up anal sex and said it was disgusting before telling us you'd have it anyway. You brought the rope, put it around your own neck, and hung yourself.

What a great job your parents and the bible have done to prepare you for the world. You can't even agree with yourself.
I mean all it takes is looking at his spelling, grammar, punctuation, and really just the tenuous grasp of the English language as a whole, to see how smart this guy is.
I don't understand how these churches Dodge taxes.. I'd vote for the first person who wants to tax these con artists.
Nothing in this post actually demonstrates that you or your parents aren't bigots. I'm afraid it takes more than just saying "nu uh" and then repeating the same bigoted shit you've already said before. The reason you cannot spell is the same reason you cannot see yourself as a hypocrite and a bigot - you don't know how to think.

It's also one of the weakest positions I've ever seen anyone take. I don't have anal sex because I don't want to. But what you've told us is that, if God did say "Adam and Steve," then it would be okay and you would be plowing gay ass all day long because you are afraid of hell. Where the rest of us have preferences and morals, you have an empty mind that is only capable of believing and parroting ideas that someone else put there.

It's not unfair for me to say these things about you, because you have told us them yourself. You brought your parents into it when you say you were raised this way. You brought up anal sex and said it was disgusting before telling us you'd have it anyway. You brought the rope, put it around your own neck, and hung yourself.

What a great job your parents and the bible have done to prepare you for the world. You can't even agree with yourself.

"Plowing gay ass all day long" lmao
Why don't any of you mention how "bigoted" muslims are toward gays? if you think a muslim business would be baking a cake for a gay couple, you might as well just believe they'll be catering the same wedding with pulled pork sandwiches.

america was founded to escape the church of england, a church government system. however, it was founded on biblical principles. the 10 commandments were the foundation of the constitution. The constitution is not a "living" document that changes as time goes on, but is a set of fundamental principles that apply now as they did then to protect the citizens from the government and the tyrants that run it.
This discussion has gotten way off topic. But you bring up a great point that relates back to the original message of this thread. The fact that Muslims don't tolerate gays is just as bad as Christians doing it. This is why the separation of church and state is so important. ANY Religion shouldn't have a say in the lives of an entire country. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean everyone else has to believe in it as well.
This discussion has gotten way off topic. But you bring up a great point that relates back to the original message of this thread. The fact that Muslims don't tolerate gays is just as bad as Christians doing it. This is why the separation of church and state is so important. ANY Religion shouldn't have a say in the lives of an entire country. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean everyone else has to believe in it as well.
But why do you get to decide whether or not supporting gays and their idea of their own lifestyle is good or bad? It's not like the bigotry of before where people segregated others based on the pigment of their skin or the shape of their eyes; this is a lifestyle choice. Does a christian pastor have to do a muslim wedding?
But why do you get to decide whether or not supporting gays and their idea of their own lifestyle is good or bad? It's not like the bigotry of before where people segregated others based on the pigment of their skin or the shape of their eyes; this is a lifestyle choice. Does a christian pastor have to do a muslim wedding?

Well a Muslim couple wouldn't hire a Christian pastor to perform their ceremony...
But anyway, the point isn't whether or not it's good or bad, the point is that one religion doesn't get to dictate how others live their lives. That's the point of separation of church and state, to be impartial and therefore fair to everyone. I am at the same time a proponent of religious freedom. I think anything related to religious services should be at the discretion of a business owner. If a pastor doesn't want to marry a gay couple because of religious reasons that's fine. If a bakery owner doesn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding because of their religious beliefs that's fine. But a sporting goods store can't deny service based on religious beliefs just like a restaurant can't. Those things have nothing to do with a wedding or religion at all. In those cases the owner of store operator would just be discriminating.
Why don't any of you mention how "bigoted" muslims are toward gays? if you think a muslim business would be baking a cake for a gay couple, you might as well just believe they'll be catering the same wedding with pulled pork sandwiches.The constitution has been changed 33 times.

america was founded to escape the church of england, a church government system. however, it was founded on biblical principles. the 10 commandments were the foundation of the constitution. The constitution is not a "living" document that changes as time goes on, but is a set of fundamental principles that apply now as they did then to protect the citizens from the government and the tyrants that run it.
Well a Muslim couple wouldn't hire a Christian pastor to perform their ceremony...
But anyway, the point isn't whether or not it's good or bad, the point is that one religion doesn't get to dictate how others live their lives. That's the point of separation of church and state, to be impartial and therefore fair to everyone. I am at the same time a proponent of religious freedom. I think anything related to religious services should be at the discretion of a business owner. If a pastor doesn't want to marry a gay couple because of religious reasons that's fine. If a bakery owner doesn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding because of their religious beliefs that's fine. But a sporting goods store can't deny service based on religious beliefs just like a restaurant can't. Those things have nothing to do with a wedding or religion at all. In those cases the owner of store operator would just be discriminating.
A gay couple wouldn't hire a christian baker to help perform their gay marriage celebration...
It's one interpretation of the religion
Now we are starting to step in to religious studies, my favorite!

There are many references in the new testament and old testament that says god does not approve of gay marriage and people who follow him aren't supposed to partake. Just because some "christians" and "churches" do approve and even marry gay couples, doesn't mean that it's what god commands in the bible.

I guess this is where it gets tricky. I study the bible every day and find that 99.9% of churches don't care what the bible says as a whole, but rather picks and chooses which parts they want to follow and therefore have their own interpretations. However, the bible says clearly that it is of not of anyone's private interpretation. There is a harmony to the word of god that helps the student understand the symbolism and meaning of certain things. Some things aren't clearly on the surface, while others clearly are.

This is one of the instances where it is clearly stated in the bible that god isn't for. New and old testament. I can believe whatever i want, right or wrong. Christianity is not about what the people believe, but what god believes and states in his word.
Well like I said, that is one interpretation. Unfortunately for your argument not everyone follows that belief. A lot of people who identify as Christian don't follow the bible to the word, but instead interpret it in their own way. Does that make them wrong? Maybe in your eyes.
I will continue to win this debate for the simple fact that everything you say is just your belief. Religion doesn't offer a lot in the way of facts.
I have always believed in this bit of wisdom I heard when I was younger. It goes, "You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt other people, but as soon as you start hurting others it's no longer okay". This sentiment goes along perfectly with religion. You can believe in whatever you want, no one is saying you can't live your life according to "God's word". But you can't impart those same rules onto others if they aren't willing.
Why don't any of you mention how "bigoted" muslims are toward gays?

i haven't seen any bigoted muslims on rollitup. there have been three or four seld-labeled muslims that i have seen, none of them harbored any hatred towards gays. unlike you.

take some balls to criticize others for that which you are guilty of, bible thumper.
Church and state are connected in a manner that is difficult to explain. A percentage of ALL taxes (I think 40%) goes via uk to Vatican. The official rhetoric is that church and state are separate, we possibly couldn't have democracy if it wasn't so, right? Well we haven't got democracy and never have.
Well like I said, that is one interpretation. Unfortunately for your argument not everyone follows that belief. A lot of people who identify as Christian don't follow the bible to the word, but instead interpret it in their own way. Does that make them wrong? Maybe in your eyes.
I will continue to win this debate for the simple fact that everything you say is just your belief. Religion doesn't offer a lot in the way of facts.
I have always believed in this bit of wisdom I heard when I was younger. It goes, "You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt other people, but as soon as you start hurting others it's no longer okay". This sentiment goes along perfectly with religion. You can believe in whatever you want, no one is saying you can't live your life according to "God's word". But you can't impart those same rules onto others if they aren't willing.
The bit of wisdom you are referring to there is in the 10 commandments. It says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Or maybe it's from Romans: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbour".

You don't understand christianity if you think that the people who say you don't need the bible are still christians. You can't claim to follow the god of the bible and not do what the bible says. That's called being a hypocrite, something jesus clearly condemned. You know, the son of god. But you can argue all you want that it's just 'my belief' if that makes you feel like you "won this argument".

However, you are way too biblically illiterate to try to say anything about christianity and following the bible.

"Why do you say you love me and not do the things i say?"- Jesus
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
"Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

Thanks for keeping the conversation "above the belt". Seems like it's hard for people to do that around here when religion is discussed.
Oh yeah, forgot this one: (it's not jesus but a part of the "New Testament" written towards a teenager names Timothy who accompanied Paul during the mission god sent him upon to allow gentiles to hear the word of god)

2 Timothy 2:15King James Version (KJV)
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
