Its a sad topic and its pathetic that it still relevant 2016. All it is, is discrimination period. In this thread its mostly about christianity or jesus, but i can think of at least 5 major religions off the top of my head. Those 5 could be broken down into hundreds maybe thousands of different beliefs or "faiths" where would it end? The bakers don't have to sell a cake to a gay couple so if i sell baking supplies now i don't have to sell to them because they're bigots? Two thousand years from now people will be debating the same shit. Theres a simple solution that doesn't require commandments or laws, something we all should have been taught as kids. Treat people how you want to be treated. Thats it! Pretty simple unless you're racist, sexist, homophobic, or overly religious. You don't have to like what people do and you don't have to agree with it. If it doesn't concern you mind ya business. Watching 2 men have sex would turn my stomach so i don't watch gay porn and i wouldn't be in a profession that would require me to. If they're consenting adults thats their business nobody elses.