What else does Donald Trump believe?

Why does a disabled male 36 year old vet with a gammy leg have an avatar of a early post adolescent girl?
Why would somebody who identies as an early post adolescent girl vote for a known predator of early post adolescent girls?

These are the questions we should be asking.
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Regarding millions of illegals voting against Trump and depriving him of his full ratings share...

“As I said, I think the president has believed that for a while based on studies and information he has” - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

Holy shit - it is worse then we thought. Suddenly it all makes sense, Donald Trump is fucking crazy.

Yeaaaaaaaaaah, I've been saying it quite literally.
i saw on the news yesterday that the turnpike bridge from pa to nj is shut down. traffic up there must be a fucking nitghtmare. we used to live about 5 mins from the burlington bristol bridge. i bet it is bumper to bumper for miles

Is Fatty McBridgegate mad at the mayor there?