What else does Donald Trump believe?

home invasion is a major felony, entering the country illegally is a misdemeanor.

and all those undocumented workers paying taxes under false social security numbers are supporting your welfare mooching ass, kid.
May need to solve the immigration problem right there that's changing both to felonys and that way when someone gets caught coming in illegally they get a felony and can never become a legal citizen it would definitely make people think twice
May need to solve the immigration problem right there that's changing both to felonys and that way when someone gets caught coming in illegally they get a felony and can never become a legal citizen it would definitely make people think twice

let me know when that happens, welfare mooch.
Thanks for the Article UB it was very interesting, and a sad day for all Americans, I can only wonder what other world leaders are thinking about our new assaulting Prez. Thin Skin Prick.

crybaby interim manager of the united states prssured the park service to validate his lies about the inauguration. "Quote UB"