• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

"What Fellowship Can Light have with Darkness?"


New Member
(Do not be Yoked with Unbelievers)
"What Fellowship Can Light have with Darkness?"
2 Corinthians Chapter 6:14 – chapter 7:1

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? v.15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?

For we are the temple of the living God.

As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

v.17 “Therefore come out from them and be separate,
says the Lord.

Touch no unclean thing,
And I will receive you.
“I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”
Chapter 7:1 Since we have these promise, dear friend, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Love God;
Be Faithful to (the God of Heaven and of) Your Heart.,
Homage your love ones to God
Mark Daniels



New Member
Light needs dark...it's called duality.

I am looking at the root word of duality to understand it; but, I think you meant to say 'duality needs Light and darkness'; Light does not need darkness, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
there cannot be light with out dark.. there can not be good without evil


Active Member
there cannot be light with out dark.. there can not be good without evil
good and evil are illusions created by the egoic mind. A situation, person or thing is never inherently good or evil. It just is. It is your mind that is constantly interpreting things and then judging them as good or as evil.


Well-Known Member
good and evil are illusions created by the egoic mind. A situation, person or thing is never inherently good or evil. It just is. It is your mind that is constantly interpreting things and then judging them as good or as evil.

so are you saying situations like torture, rape, genocide, and pedophilia arent necessarily good or evil because good and evil is an illusion created by how your mind judges them?


Well-Known Member
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers......
...... What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
isn't our shared humanity enough to link us all? is the purity of faith so fragile that it cannot stand the light of reasoned objections or thoughtful criticism? when those of faith consider themselves superior to others they prove their own lack of humility and show their unworthiness for the blessings they claim as their right.


Active Member
so are you saying situations like torture, rape, genocide, and pedophilia arent necessarily good or evil because good and evil is an illusion created by how your mind judges them?
I think that it is a hard concept for the mind to grasp but yes thats exactly what im saying. The mind is constantly judging and analyzing situations and trying to label things. While the general consensus in society would say that torture, rape etc. is bad or evil, if you simply look at the event itself without judgement you will see that it just is the way it is. Im not saying those things are acceptable for one human to do to another im just saying on a deeper level everything just is.


Well-Known Member
im sorry but i feel your answer was taken directly from a youtube video, of course everything is. thats a given you can say anything is.. but anything is what? good evil great they are words use to describe the thought process of a situation. . the thing that seperates us from chimps and other animals is our advanced problem solving abilities and advanced morals and judgement. without that we are just clumps of organic mass. you cant just look at a situation and not determine it to be good or bad you cant just say it is, i cant just sit in front of a situation and not judge it to be good or bad, saying it just is , sorry that takes no thought capability, you have to be able to judge a situatiuon to be good or bad, even young children who havent been trained for anything can tell when they do something bad or something bad happens why because there judgement knows it, if your looking down two paths.. one path leads to certain death, the other path leads to great life. what are you gonna say? both paths just are? no that takes no judgemnent capabilty or no morals., you say to your self, one path is good the other is evil. or whatever word you use to describe it. you cant look at a situation with no judgement. it means you looking at a situation without thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
you cannot say something just is as an answer.. its not a full answer. its half an answer is is a linking word. its links situations it means to be. so to say a situation is.. well a situation is what???? it cant just because it is...you didnt link it to anything its only half the answer


Well-Known Member
I actually think it takes a large amount of thought to not judge. If you look closely at your post you are judging. Try not juding anything for one day - I bet you can't. Your morals & judgement are only your opinion or point of view - everyone has them. The children you speak of don't judge like we do they FEEL when something is right or wrong good or bad - something we lose touch with after our egos take over. Think about this...If you didn't think about the choice of paths(certain death or great life) would you be dissapointed if you took the path to certain death or would you enjoy the path? You say it takes no judgement if you say the paths just are, but really it takes even MORE judgement to determine where the paths lead & less to just take either, enjoy it & see where it takes you.


Active Member
Firstoff i would like to thank you for this discussion we are having, it sure is intillectually stimulating! I understand your viewpoint and you made some very valid points. When i talk about percieving things as just "being" im talking about acceptance of a situation just as it is, that means non judgementally, without bringing in thought and ego. This concept of acceptance and non judgement is the foundation of spiritualism, these concepts have been around for centuries advocated by buddha, jesus, lao tzu etc.
You said that the thing that seperates us from chimps is our problem solving abilities and thought processes and i agree with you. Intelligence and problem solving are wonderful tools of the human mind, problems only arise when the ego takes control of these processes. Look at the suffering we have on this planet, countless people lacking the necessities of life(food, clean water, shelter), war, destruction of the environment etc. If the human race doesnt survive becase of the destructive forces caused by ego i think there is an argument that the chimps are better off dont you agree? You said "i cant just sit in front of a situation and not judge it". Dont worry your not alone, most people cant. Its hard to explain these concepts but basically those thoughts and judgements are not truly you. Its your ego that is judging something as good or bad because your ego wont accept the fact that good and evil dont exist. I didnt come up with these concepts but once you understand it, the world makes so much more sense. If you are truly interested in this subject as it seems you are i highly reccomend either books "the power of now" or "a new earth" by Eckhart Tolle. He explains these concepts much better than i do.
Anyway back to the discussion. I think that children are mostly free from ego when they are young, but they learn "right and wrong" through societal conditioning and further identification with the ego. If society said that stealing was "right", even though we know it is not, children would grow up believing that stealing is right. I dont think that children knowing right and wrong is a valid argument. In reference to "if your looking down two paths.. one path leads to certain death, the other path leads to great life". I would firstoff say that both paths lead to certain death! Secondly i would ask you what defines a great life? and whose definition is that? A "great' life is an illusion, there is only life.
Accepting a situation just as it is does not mean not thinking about it. It only means accepting the situation as it is, non judgementally, then using the mind as a tool to make the best decision. Use this as an example. You are driving down the road, running late for work and your tire blows out. You have two decisions here: You can let the ego take control and get very emotional and upset. You can judge the situation as "bad" and think of countless troubles this has caused you. Or you can accept the situation as it is, without judgement, then without getting emotional and upset use your mind to make a decision whether to fix it, call a tow etc. In either cases the event is still the same: you got a flat tire. Which situation seems more appealing to you? The human mind is a wonderful tool and truly a gift to have, its just not neccesarilly the best place to live.
Again i dont do these concepts justice so if your interested look into those books i reccomended. Thank you for reading this extremely long post and i look forward to hearing a response.


Active Member
in order to be truly good, the option to be evil or do wrong must be available and be MUCH easier than the option to do good

for how can one prove that one is really good if good is the only option one is given?

how can one prove that one is really good, if one has never looked temptation in the face and turned it down?

that is how light and darkness coincide; in order for one to be either good OR evil, the option to do both must exist.


Well-Known Member
I believe it is our conscious ability to have a belief or to deny a belief that makes us special.

The Catholic Church is evil. If you read then you will read several instances where Jesus spontaneously preached to crowds of people. Jesus' 12 apostles would stand behind him and hold him down lol. Then when they were in private they would say and I quote "Jesus, what the fug you talkin' bout dog?"

Here is a question for you Prophecy. If Jesus' closest homies didn't know what the hell he was talking about...what makes you think that you...2,008 years after his "death" without the historical or cultural context of the time...knows what he is talking about..? I'm not hating at all. Believe whatever you want to believe and preach all you want to...

All Jesus did was love everyone equally, preach brotherhood, heal a few people, and preach about his way (there are many paths)to have a personal relationship God. Then he was "crucified." Why in the hell would he even come back? He broke the cycle that the Buddha talked about and doesn't have to...he fulfilled his mission and is probably evolved into a higher state of consciousness. He is not ever coming back...there is no point. People don't understand his message...at least the won't until the end of this age. Then as an evolutionary process our species will no longer need Jesus' teachings because we will finally start to "get it."

Then people like you who preach love can start to practice love and stop dividing people between classes: believer and unbeliever.


Well-Known Member
so are you saying situations like torture, rape, genocide, and pedophilia arent necessarily good or evil because good and evil is an illusion created by how your mind judges them?
I don't see how it is that much different from god creating things like colds and disease. Or to be put this way: imagine say an 8 year old kid. For some pedophile to get ahold of them isn't really any more evil than god giving him leukemia.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how it is that much different from god creating things like colds and disease. Or to be put this way: imagine say an 8 year old kid. For some pedophile to get ahold of them isn't really any more evil than god giving him leukemia.
your right, theres bad and good situations. that kid gettin touched by a sicko is a bad situation just like the kid gettin leukemia. i feel you cant just look at a situation and say it is.. thats only half the answer. it is what? everyone uses judgement and bad and good are the two that you use. whether its an act of doing bad or a situation that is good, you look at those situations with judgement.. if not we wouldnt be human. if you put your hand on something hot... do you say it just is? you think its a bad situation and react to it. your not gonna keep your hand on it unless you are an idiot. your not gonna sit there with your hand gettin burnt the fuck up and say.. well it just is.

just like if your petting your dog you want to keep doing it, why? because it feels good. its judgement, we need it to survive. if we cant judge a bad or good situation we are not human

in order to be truly good, the option to be evil or do wrong must be available and be MUCH easier than the option to do good

for how can one prove that one is really good if good is the only option one is given?

how can one prove that one is really good, if one has never looked temptation in the face and turned it down?

that is how light and darkness coincide; in order for one to be either good OR evil, the option to do both must exist.

thats how i feel.


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as bad and good. Everything just is. It is the idea that you think that you have the ability to judge everything that makes the distinction between good and evil. Who are you to judge? Are you really in a seat of power so high that you can see from the highest of perspectives and judge everything so simply as to categorize them as good and evil?

I think not. But who am I to say either way?:roll: