What has Trump done to this country?

I mean after his heart stops beating, since he's a prisoner his body is up for grabs, Pluck out his brain plop it into a pickle jar, eye balls included, wire it up and hook up the hoses and give it a shot of juice to get er going! No harm in trying and it's even constitutional! :D

Interesting idea .... Maybe his “ presidential library “ will be more like a traveling sideshow from time past . Head in jar like ol pancho villa . Take pics with your family in “ cages “ , coronavirus bouncy house , Goya funnel cakes , Don the con jr. could run the shooting gallery and so much more.
Interesting idea .... Maybe his “ presidential library “ will be more like a traveling sideshow from time past . Head in jar like ol pancho villa . Take pics with your family in “ cages “ , coronavirus bouncy house , Goya funnel cakes , Don the con jr. could run the shooting gallery and so much more.
Sometimes ya can either laugh or cry at it all, yuk it up, ya know where ya stand, laugh all the fucking way to the polls.
Devin Nunez's fail.

Valley girls grew up to become the mothers of Trumpers in his district. I wonder if the morons are gonna vote him in again, pathetic. A colony of arseholes in the middle of a progressive state, what's their story? Or should I say excuse?
Valley girls grew up to become the mothers of Trumpers in his district. I wonder if the morons are gonna vote him in again, pathetic. A colony of arseholes in the middle of a progressive state, what's their story? Or should I say excuse?
Well, "Valley Girls" is a reference to the San Fernando Valley. Everywhere has a valley somewhere. It became better known with Frank Zappa's song with his 14 year old daughter, Moon. The "Central Valley" is where Nunez represents. It's a big state, with a lot of diversity and (too many) people.
Well, "Valley Girls" is a reference to the San Fernando Valley. Everywhere has a valley somewhere. It became better known with Frank Zappa's song with his 14 year old daughter, Moon. The "Central Valley" is where Nunez represents. It's a big state, with a lot of diversity and (too many) people.
They married into there, birds of a feather kinda thing, might explain Nunes...
Jeremy Bash is a serious guy and likely to be in the new administration as a technocrat. He doesn't speak of these things lightly, but with some expertise and authority.
Bash Warns Of Foreign Interference & Trump’s Failures On COVID-19 Sowing Chaos In The Election
Former chief of staff for the CIA and Department of Defense Jeremy Bash warns of the threats coming from Russia and President Trump on the 2020 election
Where is the one with the well hung young man, that Cohen had on him with a dick in his mouth?
Not that there's anything wrong with his sexual preference, just his hypocrisy and dishonesty.

The republican politician in the video is a first class hypocrite too.
GOP lawmaker calls on Falwell Jr. to resign over photo
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Trump's Legal Nightmare: Court Rebukes 'King,' Inside Lawyer Could Be Forced To Testify | MSNBC

President Trump has been hit with another major legal loss, as the second most powerful federal appeals court in the country sides with House Democrats in their bid to force testimony from a resistant veteran Trump aide. The ruling backs Democrats’ argument Trump’s attempt to defy Congress and block testimony is unconstitutional. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down Trump’s clashes with the rule of law.
Where is the one with the well hung young man that Cohen had on him with a dick in his mouth?
Not that there's anything wrong with his sexual preference, just his hypocrisy and dishonesty.

The republican politician in the video is a first class hypocrite too.
GOP lawmaker calls on Falwell Jr. to resign over photo
That was a drunk fuck, trying to give an excuse. Hellalewdyah, kin ah git a witness. It's only expected for this other shit to interject abortion. Praze Jayzus an' pass the hookers. Come on out, Lindsey (he, he, his name is Lindsey), weze ahl lovs ya. Gawd loves the Confederacy, y'all.
Sam Seder: Trump Flails For Reelection Strategy After Plan A Falls Apart | All In | MSNBC

“Donald Trump got impeached for his Ukraine plan A, and the economy went down the tubes thanks to his failure to deal with the coronavirus,” says Sam Seder. “Since then, the President has been ticking through a bunch of half-hearted ‘plans’ trying to get re-elected.”
Postal Workers Union Head Confirms Slowdown Of Postal Service | All In | MSNBC

“Something’s definitely changed at the post office,” says President of the American Postal Workers Union Mark Diamondstein. “A few weeks ago, the new postmaster general put in some policies that we don’t think can do anything but slow down mail.”

He really does want to be president for life.