What has Trump done to this country?


It is what it is.

The healthcare industry will just flood the airwaves with ads and send out an army of lobbyist, like the last couple of times. The Russians will help too, the current healthcare system hurts the country, causes gross inequities, serious public health problems, costs 3 times as much per capita than a public health system and does not cover everybody, or hardly anybody adequately without co pays.

Private healthcare is a shitty idea for the richest country in the world, but with a public system everybody is treated equally, many can't have that because black folks might get some and they would rather die, literally, than for that to happen. Don't kid yourself about the health insurance industry and what allowed them to remain in business all these years, America is an outlier for a reason and this is it. It's the same for the level of social services, K-12 education and the rate of incarceration, a country fucking itself over racism for decades, forced into social stasis by opposing political forces.

You might have noticed these same people have no problem with destroying America and installing a psychopathic fascist king with an IQ of 78. They also have no problem with treason, corruption, incompetence and 300,000 dead while Americans are plague prisoners in their own country. MAGA winning. This is what racism and bigotry can do to the richest most powerful country in the world, it can bring it to its knees, in the face of ordinary challenges like pandemics, economic down turns and even minor wars. Many call it culture wars and to a degree that is true, so is the exophobia many countries and cultures are expressing as a reaction to globalism, in America it is mostly anti African American racism that is mostly to blame, many of the culture wars are merely a proxy for bigotry. Today the republican party is a proxy for the KKK, that's pretty obvious, some one far more crazy than David Duke runs the US government.
Why I say who I am, where I'm from and what I'm here for. Why I also try to stay clear of internal American policy, unless human rights are involved, like kids in cages and illiberal constitutional violations.
What You Should Know About Russia’s Attempts To Undermine Biden’s Candidacy & Help Trump | MSNBC

Russian operatives are once again trying to help President Donald Trump win an election by attempting to sabotage his opponent, a top U.S. intelligence official says. Bill Evanina, who is leading election security efforts at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said that China “prefers” that Trump lose the election and that Iran “seeks to undermine” U.S. democratic institutions and Trump. Here’s a deeper look at what that means
This articulate American patriot lays it out very clearly, a conservative, but a liberal first, that's the same thing as patriot in this case. In a normal country these clowns would have resigned in shame.
ODNI Says Russia Is Trying To Boost Trump’s Candidacy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

“We’ve never seen such faithlessness to the ideas and ideals of the country.” Steve Schmidt reacts to the ODNI’s findings and certain Republican senators who seem to be helping disseminate Russian talking points.
Russia has tens of thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at America FFS, who else has that many? China has a fraction of that, why would they bother? They are winning the cultural and economic battle and make a lot of money from America, they fight in a more intelligent and patient way. As America flounders, Putin maneuvers and China steadily fills the vacuum and moves ahead.
Yer lawyer called again, pro bono
CIA Dir Brennan in the Clear, Pompeo's Cover-Up of the Cover-Up & McGahn Subpoena Case Court Opinion

Headline hits:
1. Former CIA Director John Brennan is told he is not a target of Bill Barr/John Durham's investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. This goes a long way to confirming what Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz found: the Trump-Russia investigation was properly opened ("properly predicated") and was not politically motivated.

2. Pompeo first fired State Department Inspector General Steven Linick while Linick was investigating Pompeo for a questionable 8 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Now, Pompeo orders State Department employees NOT to comply with lawfully issued congressional subpoenas looking into the firing of Linick. In a very real sense, Pompeo is covering up a cover up.

3. The full District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals hands down an opinion in the case involving Congress's attempt to enforce the subpoena for former White House Counsel Don McGahn. Congress sought McGahn's testimony about Trump committing multiple obstruction of justice offenses during the Mueller investigation. McGahn refused to comply with the subpoena and Congress sued to compel his to testify. The court rejected the position of McGahn and the DOJ, ruling that Congress can sue to enforce its subpoenas in furtherance of its oversight and impeachment responsibilities. Just as the Supreme Court recently announced that no man/woman (including Donald Trump) is above the law, yesterday's opinion stands for the proposition that no branch of government is above the law.
Out grocery shopping this evening. I learned from the nose out checkout lady that the swine flu is fake too. She said pig farmers around here don't catch it from their pigs. She looked my age, old. She probably has the perfect job for her... My wife and I stopped at our favorite Chinese place we have eaten at for 40 years for carry-out. Now sitting 35 miles from that white trash grocery store. I hope she enjoys her old age as much as I am. If you can't look at yourself and figure out what you did wrong in life by my age you are not going to get better.
this is total fvckery now..Trumpy* move the goal posts and throw $300 at us, which is the same thing that you wish to give that Nancy and Chuck who refuse to take, so he just going to force it on us:

In one memorandum, Trump authorized the federal government to pay $300 per week for people on unemployment. States would be asked to pay an additional $100, for a total of $400 weekly for unemployed workers.

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Out grocery shopping this evening. I learned from the nose out checkout lady that the swine flu is fake too. She said pig farmers around here don't catch it from their pigs. She looked my age, old. She probably has the perfect job for her... My wife and I stopped at our favorite Chinese place we have eaten at for 40 years for carry-out. Now sitting 35 miles from that white trash grocery store. I hope she enjoys her old age as much as I am. If you can't look at yourself and figure out what you did wrong in life by my age you are not going to get better.

<sigh> the 33%
this is total fvckery now..Trumpy* move the goal posts and throw $300 at us, which is the same thing that you wish to give that Nancy and Chuck who refuse to take, so he just going to force it on us:

In one memorandum, Trump authorized the federal government to pay $300 per week for people on unemployment. States would be asked to pay an additional $100, for a total of $400 weekly for unemployed workers.

Also the perfect troll because he knows he doesn't have the power to do this and will blame 'the left' for not allowing him to give us all money. Anyway it slices it he gets his soundbites to sell to his cult.