What has Trump done to this country?

Yer lawyer called with some expert pro bono advice for congress, and you.
Post Office Purge, Trump's Executive Orders Palooza & Coronavirus Reporting Challenges

Headline Hits: 1.
Trump's Postmaster General Louis DeJoy - a high-dollar Republican donor with no US Postal service experience - fires nearly two dozen top Postal Service managers in an attempt to consolidate power. Is this yet another effort to slow mail service to interfere in the upcoming elections?

2. Trump retreats to his gold club and signs a series of executive orders, most of which are an unlawful interference in Congress's powers and prerogatives. This is political theater rather than an honest effort to help struggling Americans. Can a lawsuit be far behind?

3. Is mainstream media's 24/7 reporting on the coronavirus setting up an opportunity for Trump to exploit as the election grows near? Are stories of Trump and company's crimes and abuses going unreported or underreported?
Nearly 100,000 children test positive for COVID-19 in past two weeks .... :wall:

All that fucking winning ....

97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 from July 16 to July 30, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Of the over five million coronavirus cases in the US, 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining children's role in transmitting the virus

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families to make testing more efficient

Universities like Tulane, Cornall, Yale, and Ohio State are making students sign pledges to wear masks, not attend parties, and stay on campus ahead of classes .

Today there are more than five million cases of COVID-19 in the country and over 162,000 deaths. Out of those infections more than 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining their role in transmitting the virus – data more important than ever as some school districts return to in-person class this month.

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families.

'The kits are shipped to the families, they are taught how to collect these samples, and then the samples are sent back by the families to a central repository,' she said in an interview with CBS News.

The two largest school districts in California – Los Angeles and San Diego – which runs a combined K-12 student population of 720,000 decided to start the school year via remote learning due to rising coronavirus hospitalizations and rising infection rates in the state.

New York, on the other hand will be open this fall, as mayor Bill De Blasio pledged officials 'have worked incessantly to get this right'.

On Friday the mayor assured officials looked at examples of returning to in-person school 'from all around the world' to assure kids would be safe.

De Blasio said parents had until Friday night to register students for in-person instruction, remote learning or a hybrid system.

While the virus was initially said to hit children less severely than adults, more than 25 children died from the coronavirus in July alone.

Now teachers and school districts grapple with how to educate students while maintaining social distancing, protecting students, and themselves.

Realistically NO SCHOOL can open right now , it doesn’t take a scientist to see that.

School’s out forever.

Nearly 100,000 children test positive for COVID-19 in past two weeks .... :wall:

All that fucking winning ....

97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 from July 16 to July 30, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Of the over five million coronavirus cases in the US, 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining children's role in transmitting the virus

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families to make testing more efficient

Universities like Tulane, Cornall, Yale, and Ohio State are making students sign pledges to wear masks, not attend parties, and stay on campus ahead of classes .

Today there are more than five million cases of COVID-19 in the country and over 162,000 deaths. Out of those infections more than 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining their role in transmitting the virus – data more important than ever as some school districts return to in-person class this month.

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families.

'The kits are shipped to the families, they are taught how to collect these samples, and then the samples are sent back by the families to a central repository,' she said in an interview with CBS News.

The two largest school districts in California – Los Angeles and San Diego – which runs a combined K-12 student population of 720,000 decided to start the school year via remote learning due to rising coronavirus hospitalizations and rising infection rates in the state.

New York, on the other hand will be open this fall, as mayor Bill De Blasio pledged officials 'have worked incessantly to get this right'.

On Friday the mayor assured officials looked at examples of returning to in-person school 'from all around the world' to assure kids would be safe.

De Blasio said parents had until Friday night to register students for in-person instruction, remote learning or a hybrid system.

While the virus was initially said to hit children less severely than adults, more than 25 children died from the coronavirus in July alone.

Now teachers and school districts grapple with how to educate students while maintaining social distancing, protecting students, and themselves.

Realistically NO SCHOOL can open right now , it doesn’t take a scientist to see that.

School’s out forever.

View attachment 4648898

How come Trumpy* WH map is all green?
Nearly 100,000 children test positive for COVID-19 in past two weeks .... :wall:

All that fucking winning ....

97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 from July 16 to July 30, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Of the over five million coronavirus cases in the US, 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining children's role in transmitting the virus

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families to make testing more efficient

Universities like Tulane, Cornall, Yale, and Ohio State are making students sign pledges to wear masks, not attend parties, and stay on campus ahead of classes .

Today there are more than five million cases of COVID-19 in the country and over 162,000 deaths. Out of those infections more than 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining their role in transmitting the virus – data more important than ever as some school districts return to in-person class this month.

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families.

'The kits are shipped to the families, they are taught how to collect these samples, and then the samples are sent back by the families to a central repository,' she said in an interview with CBS News.

The two largest school districts in California – Los Angeles and San Diego – which runs a combined K-12 student population of 720,000 decided to start the school year via remote learning due to rising coronavirus hospitalizations and rising infection rates in the state.

New York, on the other hand will be open this fall, as mayor Bill De Blasio pledged officials 'have worked incessantly to get this right'.

On Friday the mayor assured officials looked at examples of returning to in-person school 'from all around the world' to assure kids would be safe.

De Blasio said parents had until Friday night to register students for in-person instruction, remote learning or a hybrid system.

While the virus was initially said to hit children less severely than adults, more than 25 children died from the coronavirus in July alone.

Now teachers and school districts grapple with how to educate students while maintaining social distancing, protecting students, and themselves.

Realistically NO SCHOOL can open right now , it doesn’t take a scientist to see that.

School’s out forever.

View attachment 4648898
Let's talk about an update on Paulding County schools and how you can help....
Motorcycle moron fest 2020, watch them boomers croak by the boxcar after this act of mass stupidity and civic irresponsibility. When they go home, many will be uneasy riders of death and suffering to their families, neighbors and communities. I wonder if most of the professionals and educated bikers have been filtered out of attendance by natural selection forces? Restaurants and bars will be packed solid cheek by jowl, with lines for everything including toilets. Camp covid
Thousands Attend South Dakota Biker Rally With No Mask Mandate | MSNBC

Day three of the Sturgis motorcycle rally drew thousands to South Dakota in one of the largest gatherings since the beginning of the pandemic, where masks are recommended but not required for the event.
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Where do these morons get these stupid fucking ideas? This might provide an answer, I'm sure all the bullshit content is online too. Isn't Rush suppose to be dead and in Hell looking up through the flames by now? That fucker sure is taking a long time in stage 4, he should be near the end, not spewing bullshit with his last breath, Jesus how pathetic. I imagine he's got a big bottle of oxycontin or something better, maybe even his own ventilator and doctor standing by in the bunker. I wonder if he figured out a way to speak with a throat mic while he's on a ventilator, he could rant till his brain died.

Maybe his passing might mark the beginning of a new day for America and of the FCC reassigning the AM analog band to digital use, it will silence many of these assholes and fuck their owners. Bring back the fairness doctrine on steroids with equal time for both parties, when they run to digital FM with it's shitty rural service. Many 1/2 tons will need new radios, but their favorite bloviator might not be on the air and the station might be under new management.

There are echos of this shit here too, as morons are enchanted by the snakes of the airwaves.
Fox News clip discredits talking point of right-wing radio

CNN's Brian Stelter highlights a common theme as right-wing talk radio shows target 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Sarah's father is an honest Christian man, just like Sarah was an honest Christian press secretary for Trump, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree folks.
Fox news source, not fit to link, this is for laughs. BTW Mike thinks the sun shines outta Donald's asshole and baths in it regularly, he worships Cheeto Jesus, not the real one. A classic American political/religious charlatan and grifter, so common in the south, an archetype of hundred, if not thousands of narcissists and psychos, hypocrites all. Many con men traditionally roamed the south, it was easy prey among the ignorant and stupid, watch the classic movie the Flim Flam man to see what I mean.

Mike Huckabee: Joe Biden is 'not an option' for 2020 religious voters
'The Democratic Party has been slowly moving further and further to the left on issues that matter to many believers'
Donald knows what he's doing, at least he thinks he does, his trouble is he can't comprehend the consequences, or discounts them to avoid immediate problems. Donald is incharge of his election campaign and he controls the "strategy", such that it is, his campaign will be like his covid response. Donald is a moron with an IQ of 78, but with a narrow band of talent for bullying, lying, cheating and intimidating, he's infective against people of character. He exploits character flaws in others and found a rich hunting ground in the GOP, almost all of them folded and did his bidding immediately, all were easily owned by an idiot.
Biden Leading Trump In States Trump Won In '16: Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New polling shows Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump in states Trump won in 2016, including Pennsylvania and Michigan.
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Nearly 100,000 children test positive for COVID-19 in past two weeks .... :wall:

All that fucking winning ....

97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 from July 16 to July 30, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Of the over five million coronavirus cases in the US, 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining children's role in transmitting the virus

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families to make testing more efficient

Universities like Tulane, Cornall, Yale, and Ohio State are making students sign pledges to wear masks, not attend parties, and stay on campus ahead of classes .

Today there are more than five million cases of COVID-19 in the country and over 162,000 deaths. Out of those infections more than 338,000 were children.

Dr. Tina Hartert of Vanderbilt University says increased testing of children will be the key to determining their role in transmitting the virus – data more important than ever as some school districts return to in-person class this month.

She’s leading a government-funded study where DIY testing kits were sent to some 2,000 families.

'The kits are shipped to the families, they are taught how to collect these samples, and then the samples are sent back by the families to a central repository,' she said in an interview with CBS News.

The two largest school districts in California – Los Angeles and San Diego – which runs a combined K-12 student population of 720,000 decided to start the school year via remote learning due to rising coronavirus hospitalizations and rising infection rates in the state.

New York, on the other hand will be open this fall, as mayor Bill De Blasio pledged officials 'have worked incessantly to get this right'.

On Friday the mayor assured officials looked at examples of returning to in-person school 'from all around the world' to assure kids would be safe.

De Blasio said parents had until Friday night to register students for in-person instruction, remote learning or a hybrid system.

While the virus was initially said to hit children less severely than adults, more than 25 children died from the coronavirus in July alone.

Now teachers and school districts grapple with how to educate students while maintaining social distancing, protecting students, and themselves.

Realistically NO SCHOOL can open right now , it doesn’t take a scientist to see that.

School’s out forever.

View attachment 4648898

who knew?
Bill Barr's Remarkable Interview on Fox News and a Preview of Tomorrow's Court Hearing in Flynn Case

In an interview on Fox News, Bill Barr goes "full Trump", accusing the Democrats of every manner of transgression perpetrated by . . . the Republicans. It's must see TV in that it's filled with so much information it would make Kim Jong-un blush. Barr accuses the "left" of abandoning "liberal positions", when the Republicans have all forgotten about things they used to hold dear, like states' rights, fiscal discipline and actually believing in immigration. BARR accuses Dems of tearing down the institutions of government, while Trump attempts to destroy the FBI, DOJ, State Department, EPA, Department of Education, the Postal Service, etc. And, in a staggering piece of propaganda that would make Putin proud, Barr actually accuses the Dems of being "cowards", afraid to voice any opposition to the positions of the Democratic leadership for fear the party would retaliate and they might therefor lose party support and, hence, re-election. Ummmm . . . staggering fear of a mean Trump tweet anyone?

Also, here's a quick preview of tomorrow's full appellate court argument in the Mike Flynn case.
Just remember all the things that the Trumpers ignore or filter out. Ask yourself what could have such a powerful effect on a person's perception and thinking? Watch this video to get an idea of what I'm talking about here. 1 minute runtime, made for TV and to cause cognitive dissonance among the base, some of them anyway. You are dealing with a death cult of personality here folks, not rational people, not smart people either.

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