What has Trump done to this country?

I am a libertarian and an egalitarian If you were at all wondering.

I am just surprised at the amount of unpleasant, offensive, and sometimes but not always repugnant comments about my character.
I may be slightly off here but It feels like this, because I do not subscribe to far left ideology, various members of this forum attempt to score points or otherwise gain an advantage in their comments looking for anything that pushes their opinion/narrative above others and their opinions etc in an attempt to silence all non conformists. When was critical thinking and debate thought of as so dangerous that It should not be tolerated.
Easy snowflake, you may be a little too soft for the political forums.

Soft buttar. LOL
I am a libertarian and an egalitarian If you were at all wondering.

I am just surprised at the amount of unpleasant, offensive, and sometimes but not always repugnant comments about my character.
I may be slightly off here but It feels like this, because I do not subscribe to far left ideology, various members of this forum attempt to score points or otherwise gain an advantage in their comments looking for anything that pushes their opinion/narrative above others and their opinions etc in an attempt to silence all non conformists. When was critical thinking and debate thought of as so dangerous that It should not be tolerated.
Why don’t you answer my questions?
Now what far left ideologies do you see us pushing? Please elaborate.
Here is a former republican, let him give you an update, Steve is a patriot.
Steve Schmidt: Trump Is ‘The Worst President The Country’s Ever Had
Trump has pulled every fucking miscreant in the USA out from underneath their individual rock & united them.
The shit was always there in American society, the racism/bigotry/intolerance/violence but Trump has brought the worst of the worst to the forefront & seemingly made it acceptable or at least tolerable.
"There are good people on both sides"
No, there aren't
There is simply right or wrong, no fucking in-between's allowed.
So, this shit storm that has been percolating in this country for a long, long time & now it seems with Trump/COVID-19 acting as a catalyst, the realty/consequences of the failures of this American society, such as income disparity/inadequate health care/lack of a functional social safty net/ingrained racism (yea, it exists)/ the intolerance for people that don't look /think like you, is in the process of destroying this country.
Trump's actual responsibility for the State of America today is really not that much in reality.
We've been on this path for generations.
He really only pulled/ripped back the curtains on America's failures as a Society, he wasn't the cause, just the proof that we actually suck.
Talk about a perfect fucking storm, Trump/COVID19 (a match made in Hell)
The USA was due for a slap in the face & Donald J Trump just happened to be the Chosen one.
Fucking tragic, right?
Stay/be safe :)
Trump has pulled every fucking miscreant in the USA out from underneath their individual rock & united them.
The shit was always there in American society, the racism/bigotry/intolerance/violence but Trump has brought the worst of the worst to the forefront & seemingly made it acceptable or at least tolerable.
"There are good people on both sides"
No, there aren't
There is simply right or wrong, no fucking in-between's allowed.
So, this shit storm that has been percolating in this country for a long, long time & now it seems with Trump/COVID-19 acting as a catalyst, the realty/consequences of the failures of this American society, such as income disparity/inadequate health care/lack of a functional social safty net/ingrained racism (yea, it exists)/ the intolerance for people that don't look /think like you, is in the process of destroying this country.
Trump's actual responsibility for the State of America today is really not that much in reality.
We've been on this path for generations.
He really only pulled/ripped back the curtains on America's failures as a Society, he wasn't the cause, just the proof that we actually suck.
Talk about a perfect fucking storm, Trump/COVID19 (a match made in Hell)
The USA was due for a slap in the face & Donald J Trump just happened to be the Chosen one.
Fucking tragic, right?
Stay/be safe :)
Ya pretty well nailed it James, but justice, solutions and reform are on the horizon, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it ain't a train called Trump, it's the clear light of day and a brighter tomorrow. Keep the faith and stay safe, the real entertainment is about to begin, we will have a ring side seat to the downfall of the fucking idiot and a whole host of henchmen and other assorted slime balls. Ya just got to vote Donald out and survive the aftermath of the biggest ego bursting of all time, there will be shit everywhere and the stink will be overpowering. There should be plenty of shit and the corpses of rotting elephants post election day.

I would look for a split in the republican party based both on ideological and geographical differences as conservatives look to reassert control in some areas of the country and drive the Trumpers out. Split the right and keep them out of power.
apparently participants going to denver's Patriot Rally were given instructions on how to avoid trouble when conceal carrying without a permit.

when we go on hikes into bear country, wifey carries the spray while i carry the .41 magnum.
Like this?


or like this?


Anyway, very cool bullet/gun :)
I’m just watching CNN talking about this. Crazy.

this factual news falls the way side due to someone sucking out all the air in the room..right now, Colorado has as many cases in the past 2 weeks as it has in the preceding weeks from January- ALL YEAR.

we're in deep trouble. vote. reduce your purchase power until after the election. stay home = stay safe..we need another year and a plan to emerge and there's only one way to accomplish this or we are goners.
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in case you haven't heard:

but once out? you can't take it back..people have heard it and will believe it including the girl behind him in red mask shaking her head in agreement..WTF was that all about? i was getting dizzy just watching her.

wonder how much she got paid to do that..nice touch she was a minority..do you know that only 4% of black populace support trumpy?:lol: