What have you said to Women that Actually, Really Worked?




How does talking to your masterbater machines really mean much to this conversation. :) (lv ya, bro!)
This is my point exactly. They can tell. And I have made a mission to talk to 5 women a day, situational context only, NOT SEXUALLY. They can tell. You walk up and say, "Hey>? Where did you get those earrings? ....or.... Do you even remember?" (big smile) Have a light chat, if you can about women preference for earring, Long, short, shinny, color? No sex innuendo. Introduce yourself. (smile and look away) Then wait. See what she says. You have just validated her. She likes that. Big confusion for men. Men wag dicks at each other. (status positioning, eyeballing, challenging, etc)

Women validate each other. Know this and be free.

Men are self defining and in status competition with ourselves, all the time. That is our definition of self. Gaining or losing status?

Women are validating each other and are validated by all the people in their lives.
That is a woman's definition of self,

So, when you validate a women like I said, you become part of her life, even if you never see her again. And she may be interested in you and if she is, you will know. And since she has been validated, and did not fended off yet another clumsy sexual innuendo or drooling eyeballs, she may introduce you to her friends or something cool, like invite you to a party. You have to validate her and let her decide. If she moves on, so what? You just had a chat with a very attactive woman that is expert in making you a fool, if you approach her sexually.

And you didn't so, you scored a validation. Those are the key, to improving you on this subject. And it is a real confidence builder.

Men that have constant success with women, and are dog ugly (you know the ones) somehow understand this naturally.

But, I have been practicing it for just a month or so, and it feels good. And that itself is something to talk to women about.... validation. Ask them what that means to them and see an entire new world. :)
those lines might be alright if you are gay and looking for a girl...friend...but if you are straight you would be better off saying those earrings really do highlight your beauty!...or damn talk... about unforgettable beauty !...think about it why would a man care about where she bought her earrings unless he wanted a pair for his self, those are things that women talk about to each other...
Beautiful women know they are so you are kind of missing the point and a little afraid of your own homo with that comment. :)
they like to be told they are beautiful...anyway works fine for me always has...no fear of being gay here... people are what they are gay straight or bi... oh and by the way...just doer
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Well, I am sure there are some women that just want to get DONE.
But, they get over that and so will you. :)
#1 rule, women like guys with confidense!!! have the balls to just walk up and say hi my name is....... nice to meet you, id like to get to know you....simple im not a great looking guy but i am confident on the aproach and dont care about getting shot down.. if i walk up to 10 women at the bar or wherever, chances are ill take at least 1 home!! confidence and persistence are the key to success..

just having the balls to walk up and say hi is half the battle.. i believe a girl knows whether or not she would sleep w/ you in the first 10 seconds... so being able to read what she is putting out is big...they all secretly want a man that doesnt give a f, wether he gets in or not...thay say they want a guy that wants them, is nice to them,,,bs!! those are the men that they use or take advantage of,, u dont want that,, u want to take advantage of her,, so let her know you like her less than she likes you,,dont be a dick, but be cocky,confident, nice,,,understand?? i am married now, my best days are way behind me.. but my wife knows i dont care, i love her, but her leaving me would not make me a crying baby,, id be fine with or without,,, that is what they WANT... JUST LIKE MEN WE ALL WANT THE ONE WE CANT HAVE,,THEY ARE THE SAME..

cmon we all know the chase is better than the sex, the anticipation always better than what we have, once you have it,,, you want something new because you have it!! any ways thats my input,,hope it helps someone!!
I tried every line as a single man...none of them worked...until I tried "I have 2 fat joints and $100; wanna party for a couple hours?".

That worked. Probably still does.

It's up to $700 - $800 now in big city prices, but yeah, ....that works and has worked since the dawn of woman. :) I have a friend, that does not want to go to dinner and a show. Would rather go to the BEBE store in the Mall. OK@!! Cheaper by far.
This is a key concept I think, but it goes x100 for women, they refer to it as romance. Learn this and be free. :)

"we all know the chase is better than the sex, the anticipation always better"
To get laid I never say a word.
I just lay their legs across my lap
massage them working my up
and there you go. Never fails. Never.

OK, that good. So here is your scene. So you never say a word?
Yeah right!! :)

I'd be in sorry shape if I had to say anything to get
laid that's for sure. Action speaks louder then words.
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