What have you said to Women that Actually, Really Worked?

The highest success rate for me..
Has never come from anything said. communication after all is +70% non verbal.
Look at em, catch eye contact. The rest depends on environment, wether co worker or girl at a party. Dont approach directly, wait for follow up after your initial "im interested glance"..even stare, this intuition and judgement is something hard to teach...the follow up for example, something comedic happens in a work environment, or possibly embarrassing etc she will look at you to gauge your reaction. Or perhaps a continuation of looks from across the room if shes in a group etc.

After this you know shes interested in you and the game continues. A sort of game of seduction and psychology, quite fun really.
then judge what type of girl she is and the intended outcome.
You want to draw her to you. And force her to make the first move, once she goes in for a kiss youve already won. From their you have to close, basically not mess it up, thats the easy part.

And i can brag that ive never gone after a girl and failed...
i have never asked a girl for her number,, ive always given them my number and said if u like me call if not dont...they always called within a few days..even after dating i always say i dont call, to many games,questions...should i call or wait a day? does she like me am i being pushy?? all these problems disapear if its up to them to call u,,now its their decision on wether to call or wait to call, but once they do call u know they are interested.. dont get me wrong the chase is better than the sex, but i wont chase after somthing i cant get..so by leaving it up to her to call i know if she calls the chase is on,,she is into me.. like i said they secretly want the man that is hard to get,,,they think they can change us to be the one they really want,, but if u change to the nice guy its all over so u always need to be the guy they think they can change but they really cant..
Its so easy gaining a womans confidence & making them rip the panties off if you can get them to smile several times , after each smile you go silent & stare at her smile for a minute without saying a word .

Then if she laughs for any reason you go silent again & this time you silently stare at her laugh & smile until she says " What "?

Thats when you drop the bomb & tell her she has the most amazingly sexy smile you ever seen on any woman , if she sends you back another smile with a little blushing the panties are comming off if you can hold yourself together & make her feel like the pretiest woman in the world long enough to get to her place , shit works 100% of the time if you get that smile back after telling her how amazing & sexy her smile is .
i have never asked a girl for her number,, ive always given them my number and said if u like me call if not dont...they always called within a few days..even after dating i always say i dont call, to many games,questions...should i call or wait a day? does she like me am i being pushy?? all these problems disapear if its up to them to call u,,now its their decision on wether to call or wait to call, but once they do call u know they are interested.. dont get me wrong the chase is better than the sex, but i wont chase after somthing i cant get..so by leaving it up to her to call i know if she calls the chase is on,,she is into me.. like i said they secretly want the man that is hard to get,,,they think they can change us to be the one they really want,, but if u change to the nice guy its all over so u always need to be the guy they think they can change but they really cant..

Woman pressure #1

Interview many men?
Fix one?
Its so easy gaining a womans confidence & making them rip the panties off if you can get them to smile several times , after each smile you go silent & stare at her smile for a minute without saying a word .

Then if she laughs for any reason you go silent again & this time you silently stare at her laugh & smile until she says " What "?

Thats when you drop the bomb & tell her she has the most amazingly sexy smile you ever seen on any woman , if she sends you back another smile with a little blushing the panties are comming off if you can hold yourself together & make her feel like the pretiest woman in the world long enough to get to her place , shit works 100% of the time if you get that smile back after telling her how amazing & sexy her smile is .

Very true, I think. Women have 3 main pressures, guys have no idea of. But, about your meme.....

They used to feed the lions in public view, over at the SF zoo. I think they stopped that after the Tigers got out, stalked and killed a guy that was tormenting them. Wild afternoon at the zoo. :)

I used to go in there to experience Primal Fear. The lions would begin to roar, knowing the food was on the way. At first it seemed cool, mostly growling and pacing. But as I stood there, the roaring inside the feeding cages, concrete structure, grew in volume, and became UN-bearable. It made a tiny, little monkey brain out of my thinking processes. Flee!!! No Fight is possible. It is the most real thing, for me, ever... Visceral and UN-controllable. I only did it 3 times....enough for a lifetime.

Confront the REAL. Go talk to a pretty girl. Maybe you will live.
The highest success rate for me..
Has never come from anything said. communication after all is +70% non verbal.
Look at em, catch eye contact. The rest depends on environment, wether co worker or girl at a party. Dont approach directly, wait for follow up after your initial "im interested glance"..even stare, this intuition and judgement is something hard to teach...the follow up for example, something comedic happens in a work environment, or possibly embarrassing etc she will look at you to gauge your reaction. Or perhaps a continuation of looks from across the room if shes in a group etc.

After this you know shes interested in you and the game continues. A sort of game of seduction and psychology, quite fun really.
then judge what type of girl she is and the intended outcome.
You want to draw her to you. And force her to make the first move, once she goes in for a kiss youve already won. From their you have to close, basically not mess it up, thats the easy part.

And i can brag that ive never gone after a girl and failed...
That was a great explanation!
i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"

i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok

horses for courses i guess
completely true story.

i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"

i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok

horses for courses i guess
i fricken believe this 100%...seen the same scene before myself...can never underestimate the peculiarities of the female
Damn guys, you flatter yourselves.

You think you pick us up? Yeah, right. That's what we let you think. But it's really us picking you up. And that should really flatter you.

And if we didn't already feel this way, those lame ass pickup lines you've been spouting in this thread wouldn't work on a pre-paid, two-bit prostitute.

But go ahead and continue to think you're in charge. We love it.
Damn guys, you flatter yourselves.

You think you pick us up? Yeah, right. That's what we let you think. But it's really us picking you up. And that should really flatter you.

And if we didn't already feel this way, those lame ass pickup lines you've been spouting in this thread wouldn't work on a pre-paid, two-bit prostitute.

But go ahead and continue to think you're in charge. We love it.

you may be wright.. but women never have to work for it,, any woman at any time can simply say aloud "i really want to get laid" and have several guys happy to take up the offer.. men,, we have to pick the odds, talk to several women in hopes ONE thinks we are worth the time. as a woman you can never understand the things we go through..we cant be detered by the dreaded "NO".. its really work and not taking no for an answer, confidence, determination, and above all never giving up..
you probably think you have men that are your friends,,,,you are soooo wrong,, those men seem to be friends in hopes that one day they can slip off your panties...there are very few men and very few exeptions to this simple fact,, only a man that either has an unbreakable code "not banging a friends girl or wife" can be friends with his friends girl or wife.. but very few men can be trusted here!!! or are not interested in you,, once again very few will never be interested,,never the key word as a drunk lonely guy can drastically lower his standards...
simple fact,, men are not your friends,, they may even have been apearing as ur friend for many many years,, the fact is that they are interested!!!
my wife thought i was crazy,, my sister said im just a jerk if i believe that,,"she had many so called friends", my cousin(girl) also did not believe me... im not a jerk, im not crazy, im honest!!! now years later each believes it to be true, they now use it as an advantage but never sleep with the so called friends or in my wifes case,,, she has no man friends..
who would know the truth better than a man,, i have nothing to gain by speaking the truth,, many guys will say im lying,, but they know the truth too...unless they are gay,have an unbreakable code, or have absolutely no attraction to you,, they are not your friends..sad but true!!!