what i hate the most about life


Well-Known Member
I hate how your brain remembers experiences so that you can never recreate them or feel that good again. A few examples are your first crush, the first time taking mdma, the first time taking oxys, the first time smoking weed. The first time you experience something better be good because that is going to leave the euphoric experience and good memories in your mind forever. I hate how no matter how hard you try its just never the same again. Always make sure the first time you do something is always good. Dont rush shit, the problem with this is that by the time you learn this its already to late. Now time is going bt way to fast i think ill wake ul tomorrow and already be 25. Wtd its 2016 i thought id be dead by 2005.
I hate how your brain remembers experiences so that you can never recreate them or feel that good again. A few examples are your first crush, the first time taking mdma, the first time taking oxys, the first time smoking weed. The first time you experience something better be good because that is going to leave the euphoric experience and good memories in your mind forever. I hate how no matter how hard you try its just never the same again. Always make sure the first time you do something is always good. Dont rush shit, the problem with this is that by the time you learn this its already to late. Now time is going bt way to fast i think ill wake ul tomorrow and already be 25. Wtd its 2016 i thought id be dead by 2005.
Only the good die on mars.....rip david.
Didn't Guns & Roses sing a song about just that......I used to do a little but a little wouldn't do so a little got more more and more
I just keep trying to get a little better
A little better than before !
i actually completely disagree.
take a 2 month tolerance break and im tripping out ducking and shit watching tv, off balance and laughing hysterically.

my first crush was surpassed..i even fucked her again last year, said she was in love with me..eh ive moved to better. .not that they arent still in my heart.

ive never smoked opiates. but give enough time and im back flying high on prescription love and bliss.

everything is just getting better as i age. but your in low 20's your not even old enough to talk about back in the day stuff.
trust me, sex gets better. yiur partner gets better etc.

know what im sayin
When you already tried ecstasy, than it is normal that you feel bored or depressed,
when you are not high.

I was a happy pothead for 2 years before i started to use ecstasy 2-3 times a week.
After that smoking weed was boring. Everytime you are not on pills or something was boring or worse.

Ectsasy is no good drug, it works great the first day, but at the second day it starts to
get useless. Also it is not making high when used with a lot of other substances.
Combined with tobacco, alcohol or opiate it is totally boring compared to a real ecstasy
effect. When you don´t get high anymore of e, may be because of that or you din´t make the necessary break of 2 days before you used another one.
After 3 years of using ecstasy or meth pills ( 30 mg ) 3 times a week,, i was still high like at the first day. The fun stopped immediately when i started to use it more than 1 or 2 days.

I started to use it up to 5 days a week, than i had the same problem like you, it doesn´t work anymore. A pill was like a cigarette at this time. After 1 year i stopped this shit.

After boring years without it, i feel at least much better, healthier and clearer than before.
Some little teas and a bowl of vaped weed or tobacco from time to time feels much better
than at my pill times. It´s like methadon for me, not really what i want, but at least kind of medication.

I think you have to find a replacement for ecstasy or find a way to get high with it again.
Don´t trie the expensive drugs ( when you not already tried it ), because heroin, cocaine and crack are that expensive, that it completely ruins the life of poor people, who have to work for a bit of money.

Some people i know, when they get 200,- euro, they go and get 3 grams of cocaine and make party for 2 days, after that they a poor for the rest of the month. No money for weed, alcohol or even good food.
When i get 200,- euro, i get 15 gramms weed, tobacco and tea for the whole month.
I have weed every day, tea everyday and tobacco everyday.
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I hate how your brain remembers experiences so that you can never recreate them or feel that good again. A few examples are your first crush, the first time taking mdma, the first time taking oxys, the first time smoking weed. The first time you experience something better be good because that is going to leave the euphoric experience and good memories in your mind forever. I hate how no matter how hard you try its just never the same again. Always make sure the first time you do something is always good. Dont rush shit, the problem with this is that by the time you learn this its already to late. Now time is going bt way to fast i think ill wake ul tomorrow and already be 25. Wtd its 2016 i thought id be dead by 2005.
The emotion of "hate" appears a bit severe. Why such a whiny douche, all the drugs? Also, I've noticed how you are obsessed with age and time. Must be pretty shitty being stuck in your mind.
The emotion of "hate" appears a bit severe. Why such a whiny douche, all the drugs? Also, I've noticed how you are obsessed with age and time. Must be pretty shitty being stuck in your mind.
I know it sucks i actaully want to die some times i remember when i was working in an amazon sweat shop i was wishing they sold guns so i could take one and shoot myself.
When you already tried ecstasy, than it is normal that you feel bored or depressed,
when you are not high.

I was a happy pothead for 2 years before i started to use ecstasy 2-3 times a week.
After that smoking weed was boring. Everytime you are not on pills or something was boring or worse.

Ectsasy is no good drug, it works great the first day, but at the second day it starts to
get useless. Also it is not making high when used with a lot of other substances.
Combined with tobacco, alcohol or opiate it is totally boring compared to a real ecstasy
effect. When you don´t get high anymore of e, may be because of that or you din´t make the necessary break of 2 days before you used another one.
After 3 years of using ecstasy or meth pills ( 30 mg ) 3 times a week,, i was still high like at the first day. The fun stopped immediately when i started to use it more than 1 or 2 days.

I started to use it up to 5 days a week, than i had the same problem like you, it doesn´t work anymore. A pill was like a cigarette at this time. After 1 year i stopped this shit.

After boring years without it, i feel at least much better, healthier and clearer than before.
Some little teas and a bowl of vaped weed or tobacco from time to time feels much better
than at my pill times. It´s like methadon for me, not really what i want, but at least kind of medication.

I think you have to find a replacement for ecstasy or find a way to get high with it again.
Don´t trie the expensive drugs ( when you not already tried it ), because heroin, cocaine and crack are that expensive, that it completely ruins the life of poor people, who have to work for a bit of money.

Some people i know, when they get 200,- euro, they go and get 3 grams of cocaine and make party for 2 days, after that they a poor for the rest of the month. No money for weed, alcohol or even good food.
When i get 200,- euro, i get 15 gramms weed, tobacco and tea for the whole month.
I have weed every day, tea everyday and tobacco everyday.

Your a trip...
i used mdma to get sober lol
sounds weird but its true...
people on here who know me, know i like my coke zannies and pain pills.
i mean 20 2mg xanax bars and an 8ball was just a good night for me.ive made it a long way sinve this time last year but still..

around Halloween, i was going hard. barred out constantly, munching like trail mix and popping xos to stau conscious..its my favorite high. after a week for whatever reason my brain was like damn boy you got high as fuck, you dont think your good for a while

well i havent taken xanax or sniffed up coca since Halloween. ive only taken pain pills a few times. and i haven't smoked weed in several days.. i ised to smoke a qp a week no bs.

idk why this happened, but im certainly grateful. besides the money, i might drop 1500 a week on my personal... but my mental health is so much better

anyway just sharing
I hate how your brain remembers experiences so that you can never recreate them or feel that good again. A few examples are your first crush, the first time taking mdma, the first time taking oxys, the first time smoking weed. The first time you experience something better be good because that is going to leave the euphoric experience and good memories in your mind forever. I hate how no matter how hard you try its just never the same again. Always make sure the first time you do something is always good. Dont rush shit, the problem with this is that by the time you learn this its already to late. Now time is going bt way to fast i think ill wake ul tomorrow and already be 25. Wtd its 2016 i thought id be dead by 2005.

When you're able, when you're happy with your life and your job and where you are in the world, when you feel complete - your feelings on this will change.

I remember some of the good times like they were yesterday. But not really the first sex, or the first MDMA, or the last time on acid. Sure, those were fun times. And I remember them in the drunken/ drugged haze that is memories of being fucked up.

But now, my fondest memories have changed. Like the Trip to Antigua with my family the one Christmas, or when my best friends kids were born. I remember how I felt when I saw avatar IMAX for the first time and was blown away, or the way I felt when I got a call from my mom that my dad was fine after open heart surgery and everything was going to be ok.

When I was quite a bit younger, and also sad and unhappy - I felt just like you. I remembered the good times with sadness thinking I would never get there again.

You get happy kid, and everything in your life will change.

Wait till you start closing in on 70 years of "stuff". I have fond memories of my first couple of LSD experiences but was never ever able to come close to the wonder they produced back in the 60's. Weed was mostly boring when I was young but now it's my best friend. I have become numb to many old feelings but find it more peaceful than becoming all worked up about them. Kinda like when the young bull and old bull were staring at a herd of young pretty cows and the young bull said to the old one...
I know it sucks i actaully want to die some times i remember when i was working in an amazon sweat shop i was wishing they sold guns so i could take one and shoot myself.
I feel like that every day at work. You get used to it after a while.