What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?

I'll have to pour some of my 40 on the curb for Buck.

youd think being a failspammy and bringing in that google money he would atleast have windows98
Man down? Man down? Man down?

I will help you out here, fin, when i spent time working as a budtender (would help out when they needed it, was quite a lot actually) the patients REALLY want someone that knows more about their meds than they do. The TRUTH about the meds. Not just someone trying to push the buds/ items they have the highest quantity of. I produced a lot of the xtrates for this club, which is why I was the xtrate guy there.. No matter if it was in my budtending room, or the one next to mine, I would be the one answering the xtrate questions to those who wanted an in depth answer...

So many times I've been to clubs looking to get quality meds and get told blatant lies, and can easily call them out on their lies.

That is what personally brings me back. Honestly, integrity, and a good price list :)
You guys have made this a 10 * thread!!!
I really enjoyed the pic Buck posted of faggys sis... that shit made me LOL
Thanks guys I never thought the good post were coming. I mean I knew faggy wouldn't post anything good...
Stay high