I'm starting them mainly in just normal store-bought topsoil. About 1$ for a 5 lb. bag!
Sooo, I thought not too hot. Right? I've put 1 part that 1 part super-soil. And some neutral filler medium.
(A handful of the pert-lite/vermiculite/dolomite only) which I thought would make the soil nooot so hot for this attempt!
Was I wrong about this? And if so how can I mitigate? (E.g. by slightly under-watering or something).
Do you really think that hot soil is the cause of this problem? Please see the attached photo. I've already topped up the soil to be much higher in the pot using cheap topsoil. (After which I added a tiny bit of water around the stem to help it integrate, hopefully for new roots to come soon, I guess).
However I hope it helps a lot and quick because as you can see in the photo from a couple hours later,
this baby girl is deteriorating rapidly. Emergeny! Call 911! We need a specialist in here right away!
Especially it appears to be suffering on the leaf surrounding that damned tiny white dot which appeared magically, so what in the world could that damn thing be?
Could there be some problem alternatively or additionally with this kind of bug shown below that I have been finding in the room (have NOT seen on the plants) and been trying to exterminate? (I have not gotten a 100% positive ID on it yet, I've see it jumping and running and it's very very small).
The pest issue has been a real challenge for setting up this room which is in a storage shed on the side of my building, but is using a sliding aluminum door that is
NOT FULLY SEALED yet in that it still lets light out. The door's light/heat seems to be attracting bugs to come through the small open part.
Last night I tried to fully seal it 100% with black duct tape. Almost ZERO light was coming out and I couldn't BELEIVE that this morning, I found a
dead baby lizard (I am in tropics) in there under the light, and strange
wormy kinda big mealy bug sliding along near the entrance inside the room!
It was a sign!?!? (Am awaiting installing better weather stripping which can't arrive soon enough).
Mostly I've just seen and squashed this weird tiny little bugger below.
Could this little fucker be the root of my life's woes right now?