What inspired your screen name?

We have a love connection ladies and gentleman, giggles is not transcribing poetry for mojo. You crazy kids!
I went into the Army in the early 70s. Everyone coming back from Viet Nam was bringing back hash an this stuff called thai stick.Back then their was no such thing as drug testing.So I was stillbuzzin every morning when I went to work as my 1st sargent would say. He didnt give a rats ass what I did as long as my job was done.Name has stuck with me all these years.(just shorter versions)
I went into the Army in the early 70s. Everyone coming back from Viet Nam was bringing back hash an this stuff called thai stick.Back then their was no such thing as drug testing.So I was stillbuzzin every morning when I went to work as my 1st sargent would say. He didnt give a rats ass what I did as long as my job was done.Name has stuck with me all these years.(just shorter versions)

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
Mine is a tribute to my Grandmother, She was always telling me to be calm and listen to that still small voice ( I think that is taken from a quote in the bible) She has been gone for a long time and I miss her so much. So this way I keep that saying with me as it has helped in a pinch or two I was in during my younger adult life. I know she would be proud that I have not forgotten what she has taught me.

Love and miss ya Grandma


A pukka D.J.
Rumbling bass and slamming beats!
Though ken is my nick name too!
for a totally different reason,
ken and Barbie...loool!
haha good thread idea! mine is pretty simple. I LOVE DRO!
some people think it says dr.love up there and that works too ;)
Lyrics to Flaming Pie :
Making love underneath the bed
Shooting stars from a purple sky
I don't care how I do it
I'm the man on the flaming pie

Stick my tongue out and lick my nose
Tuck my shirt in and zip my fly
Go ahead, have a vision
I'm the man on the flaming pie

Everything I do has a simple explanation
When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation
I took my brains out and stretched 'em on a rack
Now I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna get 'em back

Cut my toes off to spite my feet
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Never mind, check my rhythm
I'm the man on the flaming pie

I'm the man on the flaming pie
Everything I do has a simple explanation
When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation
I took my brains out and stretched on a rack
Now I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna get em back
Making love underneath the bed
Shooting stars from a purple sky
I don't care how I do it
I'm the man on the flaming pie

Stick my tongue out and lick my nose
Tuck my shirt in and zip my fly
Go ahead, have a vision
I'm the man on the flaming pie

Everything I do has a simple explanation
When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation
I took my brains out and stretched 'em on a rack
Now I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna get 'em back

Cut my toes off to spite my feet
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Never mind, check my rhythm
I'm the man on the flaming pie

I'm the man on the flaming pie
Everything I do has a simple explanation
When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation
I took my brains out and stretched on a rack
Now I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna get em back
Uhm, I love my country x I love pot = Patriot420

It was either that or Patriot545, because my favorite ammunition is 5.45*39 :P