What inspired your screen name?

the origin of my screen name is a secret.

hint: it has nothing to do with pumps.

plot twist: i'm currently on week 4 of a doobage break because i'm job hunting. the longest break of the decade. i feel like a big fat phoney.
My screen name is a reference to a potential progressive state of living. A sort of "progressive culture" based on the idea of a nation that actually appreciates itself, made up of people who understand that life is a gift, and that we are constantly in a holy state whether we notice or not. A sort of alternate reality, wherein we see our bodies as temples and our spirits at a sort of Altar within that temple.

In other words it's an unspoken prayer and intention for something better than what this country has become.

My avatar, on the other hand, is a random pull from searching for the word "AltarNation" on google images. Turns out it was some really awesome spirit/music festival in Australia several years back, which just happened to have already been named the same clever thing which I thought I originated. "Close enough." I said.

AMEN!!! As a former military member it hurts me to see where our country is going. Not just Dems or Repubs, but all. Our nation is taking a turn for the worst and it kills me to see our values in society die. So few people have any morals or honor anymore and its hurting our country. So sad.
Yep from BC and I like helping people, you know being a buddy. Yeah... I wish I could pick a cooler name now, with more thought put in, but sadly that's just how she goes!
This is my second account on here.

This new account's name was just a quick random pick. I love to laugh and Workaholics makes me laugh, much of the show is about getting high so I took the silly but real city the show takes place in threw up their school logo and bam, new account.

I have an uncle in the Simi valley area I see a few times a year but have never been to Rancho Cucamonga nor do I ever plan to.
Ive had the nickname PANHEAD well over 30 yrs now .

A Panhead is a certian type engine that Harley Davidson put in their motorcycles in the old days and is the prefered scooter ive rode most my life ,lately as i get older kick start engines and rigid frame bikes hurt me too much so the FLST and FLSTF are seeing alot more asphalt than the ole pan ,gettin old sucks .