Some guy Christians really respect and shit... but none of them act similar to him.
Fucking ironic.
Lower your expectations of Christians TTO.
Your, expectations, have set the bar to high.
For a Christian, it is not about who am I 'compared' to Christ.
For a Christian, it's about who 'I AM IN'... Christ!'
Who can be compared to 'Yeshua', and what he's done?
What I'm talking about here is not a licence to 'do whatever the **** I please', in the name of Christ. Shit no!
The deviant record of many, so called, 'Christian' followers is disgusting.
I understand why so many are turned off, from the religious crap that surrounds the belief in some form of deity.
CHRIST, gave us a way to the Father. By Grace. GRACE. Not by works, like Karma, that's crap, but by GRACE, it's what separates Christianity from all other ways to God.
Grace... Not to do as we please, but to owe our allegiance to a higher authority and have the Grace, to make mistakes along the way.
We are not always right, 'Fly in all directions' as the song suggests, more like 'fly by the seat of your pants', no offence 'Wacky', I loved that chorus, but, who the fuck wants to be flying in all directions?
I want solid ground beneath my feet. God the Father is the rock I stand on, and Christ has showed us the way. That's Yeshua'.