What is Christ?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but you can't compare Muhammad and Jesus in this case as Mohammed was both a prophet as well as a political leader, and we have much more details about him because of this.

Also noteworthy is that Jesus is mentioned more times in the Quran than Muhammad as he is in fact the Islamic messiah as well. We may disagree about his divinity and the validity of what has come to be known as the Bible, but tell me, what other non-Christian religion makes believing in Jesus mandatory?

You know, I see people criticizing monotheistic religions all the time here. But they all base their opinions on the corrupt institutions running these religions and not the religions themselves.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but you can't compare Muhammad and Jesus in this case as Mohammed was both a prophet as well as a political leader, and we have much more details about him because of this.

Also noteworthy is that Jesus is mentioned more times in the Quran than Muhammad as he is in fact the Islamic messiah as well. We may disagree about his divinity and the validity of what has come to be known as the Bible, but tell me, what other non-Christian religion makes believing in Jesus mandatory?

You know, I see people criticizing monotheistic religions all the time here. But they all base their opinions on the corrupt institutions running these religions and not the religions themselves.
Yes, good points mate.
One of the reasons that we don't have a lot of recorded details on Jesus is due to the fact the the secular historians of the day were purely interested in politics.
Josephus wrote more about 'John the Baptist' than he did about Jesus because JTB was seen as more of a threat to political matters and the struggle against Rome.
We can certainly agree that both our beliefs require the existence of Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Seriously bro, our religions have more in common than we are made to believe.

Islam wasn't meant to be a new religion. It is just the continuation of the same message that Jesus, Moses and all other prophets of God (peace be upon them) had already brought forth.

And real muslims aren't out to hate and kill "infidels" as the media teaches us. The Quran states:

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve."



Well-Known Member

Without relating to the bible as reference to Jesus's existence we would still have a considerable amount of historical evidence from these other sources to give us a good outline for the life of Jesus.
We would know that:
1. Jesus was a Jewish teacher.
2. Many people believed that he performed healings and exorcisms.
3. Some people believed he was the Messiah.
4. He was rejected by the Jewish leaders.
5. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate in the reign of Tiberius.
6. Despite his shameful death, his followers, who believed he was still alive, spread beyond Palistine so that there were mulitudes of them in Rome by A.D. 64.
7. All kinds of people from the cities and countryside, men and women, slave and free, worshipped him as God.

How can anyone think that Christianity was birthed from someone who never existed?
Nice try. But the reason you cannot comprehend ' How can anyone think that Christianity was birthed from someone who never existed?'

Is because you keep wanting to attach Christ to a single man.

Yes I did copy and past. Why? because I do not need to waist time typing the explanation when I can copy past it. You are doing the same for you answers as well. All your quotes are copy paste unless you typed them, but still its not your words.

So good job trying to attack my credibility news man.

My point was those sources are not legit. Would you ask me about JFK or would you ask my parents? I could tell you about him but they would be more accurate because they lived while he was president. I would tell you he did blow off Marilyn Monroe's tits. My parents would tell you political accomplishments he achieved before he was shot. Maybe that was not the best example but you understand what I mean.( i thought it was a funny example)


Well-Known Member
My point was those sources are not legit. Would you ask me about JFK or would you ask my parents? I could tell you about him but they would be more accurate because they lived while he was president. I would tell you he did blow off Marilyn Monroe's tits. My parents would tell you political accomplishments he achieved before he was shot. Maybe that was not the best example but you understand what I mean.( i thought it was a funny example)

So because you didn't live in the time of JFK you can't know if he existed or was even president?
Plus if you were to write about him it would have no credibility because you didn't live in his time and anything you say about him could not be trusted as fact?

Is that what you mean?


Well-Known Member
So because you didn't live in the time of JFK you can't know if he existed or was even president?
Plus if you were to write about him it would have no credibility because you didn't live in his time and anything you say about him could not be trusted as fact?

Is that what you mean?
Does this mean all the research papers I did on dead presidents, the work I did, the A's I earned, all in vain? So by this logic, we should strip the shelves of libraries of all books, news papers, articles and periodicals written over 100 years ago. Nobody is alive to verify them and all the rest of us can not be trusted to tell the truth. Huberism, you heard it here first, Humanity ideologically blundering through the universe, as if we know what we are doing. Why did the future CROAK? Because it was thought, the past is a JOKE.
Did the teachers union reverse the learning curve? Remember nothing does not exist.


Well-Known Member
I would like to hear from the christians on riu.

What is Christ?

according to the many collected books in what is now known as the "bible" he was a man, who lived about 2000 years ago and who was killed but the Christ defeated death by resurrecting his body (greek word=soma/body), according to the many books in the bible he's the Messiah, the written word of God who became a man, God, Creator, savior of the world, King of all Kings, the Logos - the beginning, the First and the Last, the Alpha & Omega (yeah he has a lot of titles)

the bible also says the Christ drank so much wine he was also called a drunkard


Well-Known Member
... Its nice to see some Christians posting around here! This site seems to be inundated with athiests at times. :(

which I find interesting.

if one reads Jonathan Ott, Andrew Weil, Terrence Mckenna, Andrew Huxley, Albert Hofmann and company, they say entheogens take a person to a place where one experiences/communes with God/spirituality. i would think this place - RIU - would b full with mostly Christians, Buddhist,...

maybe the weed isn't what it used to be ;)


Well-Known Member
I knew that you are too dumb to look beyond my bad example. I used it for humor.

Read what I said minus the JFK example if your pea brain can handle that.


Well-Known Member
I knew that you are too dumb to look beyond my bad example. I used it for humor.

Read what I said minus the JFK example if your pea brain can handle that.
Too dumb, and pea brain, reminds me of a school yard Joe, and it just doesn't cut it in the adult world.

I enjoyed your humour.
I don't have religious stick up my ass!
Would I be posting on RIU if I did?

I believe in relationship, not religion, relationship with God through Christ Jesus.
He is the way, a way, the way.

We are discussing Christ, it's important, and I'm sure you have your own answer.

Let's not forget, you asked an interesting question. "What is Christ?"
You would not have asked the question unless you thought you had answer.
I can go on and on with why I believe what I believe, but...

Without further more tossing and babbling...

What is Christ to you Joe?

Tell us, damn it!


Well-Known Member
Too dumb, and pea brain, reminds me of a school yard Joe, and it just doesn't cut it in the adult world.

I enjoyed your humour.
I don't have religious stick up my ass!
Would I be posting on RIU if I did?

I believe in relationship, not religion, relationship with God through Christ Jesus.
He is the way, a way, the way.

We are discussing Christ, it's important, and I'm sure you have your own answer.

Let's not forget, you asked an interesting question. "What is Christ?"
You would not have asked the question unless you thought you had answer.
I can go on and on with why I believe what I believe, but...

Without further more tossing and babbling...

What is Christ to you Joe?

Tell us, damn it!
I told what Christ is. What I think doesnt change it.
Christ was around before the idea of christianity came about.

In no way do I associate the name jesus with the Christ Consciousness of 46+2 (unity) in our evolution. Our DNA reflects our level of awareness. And beyond the unity it the perfect human with 50+2 chromosomes.

Christ is our harmonic 3rd dimensional form. We are in disharmony ATM. Notice the constant balance of good and evil and how it escalates. Christ is beyond the battle of dualism. True love.


Well-Known Member
A doctor-friend wrote:
A couple of days ago I was running (I use that term very loosely) on my treadmill, watching a DVD sermon by Louie Giglio...and I was BLOWN AWAY! I want to share what I learned....but I fear not being able to convey it as well as I want. I will share anyway.

He (Louie) was talking about how inconceivably BIG our God is...how He spoke the universe into being...how He breathes stars out of His mouth that are huge raging balls of fire...etc. etc. Then He went on to speak of how this star-breathing, universe creating God ALSO knitted our human bodies together with amazing detail and wonder. At this point I am LOVING it (fascinating from a medical standpoint, you know.) ....and I was remembering how I was constantly amazed during medical school as I learned more and more about God's handiwork. I remember so many times thinking....'How can ANYONE deny that a Creator did all of this???'

Louie went on to talk about how we can trust that the God who created all this, also has the power to hold it all together when things seem to be falling apart...how our loving Creator is also our sustainer.

And then I lost my breath.
And it wasn't because I was running my treadmill, either!!!
It was because he started talking about laminin.
I knew about laminin. Here is how wikipedia describes them :'Laminins are a family of proteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue.' You see....laminins are what hold us together....LITERALLY. They are cell adhesion molecules. They are what holds one cell of our bodies to the next cell.. Without them, we would literally fall apart. And I knew all this already. But what I didn't know is what laminin LOOKED LIKE.
But now I do.
And I have thought about it a thousand times since (already)....
Here is what the structure of laminin looks like...AND THIS IS NOT a 'Christian portrayal' of it....if you look up laminin in any scientific/medical piece of literature, this is what you will see...

Now tell me that our God is not the coolest!!!
The glue that holds us together...ALL of us....is in the shape of the cross.
Immediately Colossians 1:15-17 comes to mind.

'He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth , visible and invisible,
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things,
and in him all things HOLD TOGETHER. '
Colossians 1:15-17.
Call me crazy. I just think that is very, very, very cool.
Thousands of years before the world knew anything about laminin, Paul penned those words. And now we see that from a very LITERAL standpoint, we are held together...one cell to another....by the cross.
You would never in a quadrillion years convince me that is anything other than the mark of a Creator who knew EXACTLY what laminin 'glue' would look like long before Adam even breathed his first breath!!
" Faith is not knowing what the future holds,
but knowing who holds the future."
I wanted you to know and to undertstand that YOU are being held together by the cross of Jesus Christ! His love! His forgiveness and His marvelous power!



Well-Known Member
I told what Christ is. What I think doesnt change it.
Christ was around before the idea of christianity came about.

In no way do I associate the name jesus with the Christ Consciousness of 46+2 (unity) in our evolution. Our DNA reflects our level of awareness. And beyond the unity it the perfect human with 50+2 chromosomes.

Christ is our harmonic 3rd dimensional form. We are in disharmony ATM. Notice the constant balance of good and evil and how it escalates. Christ is beyond the battle of dualism. True love.

Are you a believer in the Jungian theory?