What is Racism?

Idiot, your blabber and gum flapping isnt an opinion it's a splooge of idiot shit. You have ZERO validity jack ass.

"For clarity...whoever i deal with in life, i choose the words i speak."
that's not clarity you incoherent fucking half wit.

Again, just hot air.

I can't see any substance here, just insults[/QUOTE]
You see insults and hot air because you are crippled with stupidity. You're an incoherent babbling fool.
Speaking of divided factions, and punching nazis:

She was looking for '100 nazi scalps'. Hmmmmm...:? Oh, and she's 5'1" and 98 lbs. :lol:

You seem like a real low-grade scumbag, glorifying violence towards women and nazism in the same post. Lily white and scared, as well. Do you ever run into shedavey while you're posting on breitbart?

Is that an image of Pinworm in your avatar? Huh.
You seem like a real low-grade scumbag, glorifying violence towards women and nazism in the same post. Lily white and scared, as well. Do you ever run into shedavey while you're posting on breitbart?

Is that an image of Pinworm in your avatar? Huh.
Is that supposed to be your Dishonorable Member imitation? Huh.
Shut up, you racist bigot!
I can't tell if you're supposed to be serious or a joke. I'll presume the latter since the former is a sign you are mentally ill beyond reprieve. At least if I laugh at your silliness, then no one is hurt.

Is that supposed to be your Dishonorable Member imitation? Huh.
Shut up, you racist bigot!
I can't tell if you're supposed to be serious or a joke. I'll presume the latter since the former is a sign you are mentally ill beyond reprieve. At least if I laugh at your silliness, then no one is hurt.


He's dumb. In the literal sense. Like dimwitted. Retarded and on disability. He lives in the ghetto. He can't even properly care for a cat. He cooks eggs in old jiffy pop tins. Buys all his clothes at Goodwill.
He's dumb. In the literal sense. Like dimwitted. Retarded and on disability. He lives in the ghetto. He can't even properly care for a cat. He cooks eggs in old jiffy pop tins. Buys all his clothes at Goodwill.

you should go check your blood pressure right now.

Tell us why a door hanger would ever need to be on scaffolding.

to remove a window and then do exterior trim, insulation, and caulking.