Sucking dick for snickers bars and 10.50$ hour. Wow.. Your life is made isn't it?
I only suck dick in prison. I'm not gay.
Sucking dick for snickers bars and 10.50$ hour. Wow.. Your life is made isn't it?
I only suck dick in prison. I'm not gay.
Everyone knows exactly what your motive is and has refused to get pulled down the rabbit hole you're digging. Swing-and-a-miss. Move on, maybe?You falsely assume that you know my motive.
blowjobs in JOB's restrooms must be expensive.I spend $50 every time I go to Jack-in-the-Box.
blowjobs in JOB's restrooms must be expensive.
I didn't claim you were being smart about how you spent that money.If I were giving blowjobs I'd be making $50, not spending it.
You suck at this. Just stop.
I didn't claim you were being smart about how you spent that money.
Still laughing at this.Long before you ever poisoned this place.
Still laughing at this.
For racist, obese, old white losers like you.Like the plague. Things used to be nice here.
For racist, obese, old white losers like you.
He's doing a lousy job.
just ask desert dude how bad i am doing.
poor george. RIP
I don't know about that, he has won the contentious prick award 5 year runningHe's doing a lousy job.
What is Racism?
racist, obese, old white losers like you.
Kinda like this: