what is the best car you have ever owned.

or the driveline hump. There is also a tranny in there somewhere.
Best car I ever had was some old granny mobile Suzuki 800.

Point 8 liter engine. 3 cylinders. East West mounted block. Probably 13" wheels. Basically a beat up clown car.

Never got to drive it further than up and down the road. As I've never obtained my license.
Best car I ever had was some old granny mobile Suzuki 800.

Point 8 liter engine. 3 cylinders. East West mounted block. Probably 13" wheels. Basically a beat up clown car.

Never got to drive it further than up and down the road. As I've never obtained my license.

Why no license?
Never got around to it. I've pretty much lived within either walking distance of my work. Or had access to public transport to get there.
Must be young..

Hey that's cool though, it's like that in austin where I'm from. Lota hipstery people walking and on bikes... But pretty much everything you need is walking distance or city bus will take you.

If you don't have money the driver isn't allowed to refuse you either lol
Nah man. Just about 31. Don't really care for cars tbh. They're just another thing to worry about. Cbf with that shite.
A goofball friend from college was designing a tour bus for Perry Ferrel. He included a grow room in it. I nearly laughed my ass off. Grow room in an rv would be ok. But a tour bus?

He did not get the contract.
Sounds like a good plan to me