What is the best hydro system?


Hey guys I am planning on growing 6 plants in a single hydro system in a 4 x 4 ft grow space. The strain is white rhino. My question is what hydro system do you think would be ideal for this type of grow? Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
If it was me, and I had 16 square feet of available space, I'd go aeroponic. That's the way I went with my 18 square foot area and it's working well for me. Easy to build, easy to maintain.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am planning on growing 6 plants in a single hydro system in a 4 x 4 ft grow space. The strain is white rhino. My question is what hydro system do you think would be ideal for this type of grow? Thanks for the help!
What State u growing in ??:shock:


Well-Known Member
I tried drip/dwc I liked it but it was hard to drain and keep PH/PPM under control. I hear great things about Ebb & Flow. That's what i'm starting right now.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I always shy away from the word "best", because I always say, if it works for you, it is right.

But definately one of the systems with the most ease of use, and a good out put is the ebb n flow table system. You can get a 2x4 table or 4x4 table just about anywhere that sells hydro supplies. Then a simple resevoir to go under it. One pump, and a couple of fittings, and 12" of hose, and you are done. The resevoir has a pump that pumps the water into the table, it fills, plants are fed, it emptys. Done. You need a timer, perhaps a grow mat. All really cheap.

If you are only getting one bulb go with an hps. In an area like that 1 would do. A 600w would be fine. 1000w if you have the ventilation to handle it.



Well-Known Member
Easy....ebb and flow or top feed....best as far as rapid growth and yield is aeroponics of course but if you don't have much experience remember aeroponics requires greater attention to detail

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Yeah, like I said, for ease of use, and results, especially for a first timer, the ebb n flow table system is the way to go. Pictured above is the 4x8 table, I am only usuing around 4x4 of the area for actual growing. . .

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am vegging in ebb and flow. One gallon pots filled with hydroton. Then I am moving them to five gallon buckets with 10 inch net pot lids where I will have drippers set up. THe roots will just hang. This is looking to be a common design as I surf the web lately. I first saw it in a jorge cervantes book but it is kinda like the no brainer version of a waterfarm system. I am not sure if I will drain the buckets with hoses leeding to a res or just put them on an ebb table and let the runoff just fall out. The keey to a good system is max air to roots without them drying out. Ebb is awsome as you can move plants around. Drip gets a lot of air to the roots.


I've used a DWC system with pretty good results before. Right now I'm trying out an ebb and flow. Anyone know a good flood schedule for both vegetative and flowering? I have an air stone in the res but I was wondering if that even made that much of a difference. Also, I have them in net pots sitting on the flood table but I was wondering if next time I tried just putting a thick layer of hydroton and putting the plants in a 2" rockwool cube and placing them directly in the hydroton once the roots came through. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member

Yeah, I'd suggest either building a system like Illegal Smile suggests, or one like I suggested in the link below. I think that my system is cheaper, and a little easier to maintain for a newbie, but the one he linked to is not "that" much more difficult. Both systems are kick ass ways to grow. you'll be satisfied with either one. Good luck.



New Member
Ebb and flow. IMHO DWC and Bubbleponics are aqua culture and to dependant there fore on low temps and high DO. I prefer aero grows but I really do not consider that hydro either. It is simply aeroponics.


Well-Known Member
Ebb and flow. IMHO DWC and Bubbleponics are aqua culture and to dependant there fore on low temps and high DO. I prefer aero grows but I really do not consider that hydro either. It is simply aeroponics.
Aeroponics is a hydroponic technique.


New Member
The traditonal definition for hydroponics is growing in a fully draining inert media such as gravel, rock wool, perlite, coarse sand or hydroton etc. with the nutrientss being supplied in water through irrigation. Aeroponic uses no growing media it is simply in air. Aeroponics like DWC and Bubbleponics by slang definition are foolishly considered hydroponics. In reality aeroponics is aeroponics, hydroponics is hydroponics, bubbleponis is combination of aeroponics and aqua culture. DWC is entirely aqua culture.


Well-Known Member
The traditonal definition for hydroponics is growing in a fully draining inert media such as gravel, rock wool, perlite, coarse sand or hydroton etc. with the nutrientss being supplied in water through irrigation. Aeroponic uses no growing media it is simply in air. Aeroponics like DWC and Bubbleponics by slang definition are foolishly considered hydroponics. In reality aeroponics is aeroponics, hydroponics is hydroponics, bubbleponis is combination of aeroponics and aqua culture. DWC is entirely aqua culture.

Sorry bout that
you are correct.......

Illegal Smile

Ebb and flow. IMHO DWC and Bubbleponics are aqua culture and to dependant there fore on low temps and high DO. I prefer aero grows but I really do not consider that hydro either. It is simply aeroponics.
So is ebb and flow the sole hydroponic system then? That and drips? I agree that DWC is dependent on temp control and oxygenation of water. But I have no problem providing either one of those, so the dependency isn't relevant. As for bubbleponics, "there" is your slang term. It means whatever you want it to. As used on riu it means the stealth hydro kit. You seem to be saying that DWC is aquaculture (and I agree with that) "without" bubbles and bubbleponics adds bubbles. DWC growers have long been able to replicate the environments within any of those systems in their reservoirs. In fact, DWC as I do it relys far mare on bubbles than does so-called bubbleponics because no water pump and feeder tubes are needed.


So is ebb and flow the sole hydroponic system then? That and drips? I agree that DWC is dependent on temp control and oxygenation of water. But I have no problem providing either one of those, so the dependency isn't relevant. As for bubbleponics, "there" is your slang term. It means whatever you want it to. As used on riu it means the stealth hydro kit. You seem to be saying that DWC is aquaculture (and I agree with that) "without" bubbles and bubbleponics adds bubbles. DWC growers have long been able to replicate the environments within any of those systems in their reservoirs. In fact, DWC as I do it relys far mare on bubbles than does so-called bubbleponics because no water pump and feeder tubes are needed.

Not to be a dick but I believe that technically hydroponics means without soil. So I meant all systems not including soil.