what is the most acid you have ever eaten and what was the exp like?

I've been digging around I was hoping to get some Hits to celebrate bicycle day tomorrow. Sadly nothing so far, I guess I'll be happy with the little trip we had a few weeks ago. I sure wish I was around in the 90s with some of you guys I think it would have been a good time!
no, I am 61 I have been taking hallucenogenics for over 40 yeArs an I bont haaavd any proooblems wit noting wait, ix day a elephantt I c dere? Nope not did time but waiit.

If you ever have a biography, I will be the first one to read it! Same with you duck.... And you Rory. Duck especially... like how the hell are you only 6-7 years older than me with so much knowledge and experience??? It's beyond impressive. I'm blessed to have ran across you guys.

I might be rollin
im listening to ronnie james dio,spun,..im sick of black sabbath...im not a metal guy..my friend puddled me..help.i love him but im so utterly bored!
fucking family suprise..woo hoo..
Back in like summer of 96-97, took a couple tabs of the strongest acid I ever have had. I remember looking out the window at my buddies house at a little wishing well in his backyard and thinking to myself, Im lost. Like I was mentally lost. Then I remember I had a conversation with god and had the most euphoric blissful experience of my life and he/she/it told me the meaning of life. The meaning of life was "stretch" I still live by this too, to me it means kinda go with the flow, be open, fluid. After that whole talking to god thing I laid down and was looking down at my feet and before I knew it I was looking down at myself from the ceiling so weird out of body thing, it was wild. After I came down it took me a couple days to even process everything to be able to talk about. I still remember it foundly though and think of it as one of the best expeiences of my life.
anyone read the story of this man, think he lives in san fran, who collects blotter art?? said he gets a visit by the dea a few times a year.. i'll look for the article to post, brb..
maybe i'll start a thread for it instead of jacking this one..
I almost and should have, bought some blotter art the last time I was in chicago. I stumbled across some very cool sheets in a head shop, and some how left without one. Funny thing being it was the first time I'd seen blotter art in years, and we happened to have tripped the night before, and still had about 10 hits in my pocket. The old guy behind the counter joked with my that "those are really hard to find dipped."
I remember exactly when, where, why & how much , 1976 on the 4th of july , it was the 200 yr anniversary & the whole country was getting hammered , i started out around noon with a six pack of Pabst beer, a bunch of tab T's & a hit of 4 way windowpayne , windowpayne allways had a fast come up on me so i was peekin by around 4 pm when we met up with some biker chicks selling orange sunshine , i bought a few & took 2 barrels right off the bat , now were sitting at the fireworks around 7 pm & started smokin on a log of black tar opium we had & gettin pissed that the barrel acid wasnt shit , right about when i decided the barrel acid wasn't shit they started the fireworks show & shit went straight the fuk downhill from there , every time the sky light up the tops of the trees blowin in the wind looked exactly like the 3 headed monster " Gehdrya " from old godzilla movies , & if that shit wasn't bad enough some yahoo on big ass stilts & dressed up like uncle sam goes struttin by with cat yellow eyes , at this point im tryin real hard to hold it together .

Im thinking im gonna pull it together & then the 10 foot tall uncle sam dude came hot footin it my way again , but this time he had knees & his 6 ft tall legs were breakin at the knee backwards , his knees went backward instead of foward ! That shit was killin me so i went to talk to somebody & try n pull it together & i go up to this girl & her head is the size of a watermellon , with a tiny ass pencil kneck holding up her tremendous mellon head , this big headed bitch babbled some shit & i couldnt make sense of shit she was sayin , i got monster heads in the trees , streamers & flashes of light going everywhere , a giant cat eyed uncle sam with fuked up knees floating around & some mellon head speaking in tounges all in my face & thats when i knew i had to make a break for it , i started running down a big ass hill & at the bottom i turned to see if anybody was after me & it felt like i was flying & there wasn't any earth under my feet , thats the last thing i remember .

Next thing i feel is a stabbing pain in my face , i opened my eyes & it's daylight & im stretched out in a mud pit at the bottom of a 10 foot revene , my stupid ass ran right into a drainage pond culvert , i got a lump on my face the size of a golfball , mud all over me & im missing a shoe , i climbed out of that gully & started lookin for the people i came with & ofcourse they left my ass , so now im hich hiking at 9am , hair down to my ass filled with clumps of sewer mud , missing a platform shoe & stumbeling all over when a car pulls up & honks , it was my older brother come lookin for me , ,after i got cleaned up i smoked a little opium & sacked out .

That was the last time i mixed halucinagins
dude you can order any print youd like off of ebay if youre still interested in owning any..

Oh ya I know I can order them. The sheets would be neat but it was more the experience of finding them the morning after the trip, especially when I hadn't seen any in years then bam a whole case full of them :). The ride home took about 10 hours that afternoon, and the whole time I wished I had bought one just to commemorate the weekend. Its all good we'll do it again, and grab 2 sheets next time hehe.
I remember exactly when, where, why & how much , 1976 on the 4th of july , it was the 200 yr anniversary & the whole country was getting hammered , i started out around noon with a six pack of Pabst beer, a bunch of tab T's & a hit of 4 way windowpayne , windowpayne allways had a fast come up on me so i was peekin by around 4 pm when we met up with some biker chicks selling orange sunshine , i bought a few & took 2 barrels right off the bat , now were sitting at the fireworks around 7 pm & started smokin on a log of black tar opium we had & gettin pissed that the barrel acid wasnt shit , right about when i decided the barrel acid wasn't shit they started the fireworks show & shit went straight the fuk downhill from there , every time the sky light up the tops of the trees blowin in the wind looked exactly like the 3 headed monster " Gehdrya " from old godzilla movies , & if that shit wasn't bad enough some yahoo on big ass stilts & dressed up like uncle sam goes struttin by with cat yellow eyes , at this point im tryin real hard to hold it together .

Im thinking im gonna pull it together & then the 10 foot tall uncle sam dude came hot footin it my way again , but this time he had knees & his 6 ft tall legs were breakin at the knee backwards , his knees went backward instead of foward ! That shit was killin me so i went to talk to somebody & try n pull it together & i go up to this girl & her head is the size of a watermellon , with a tiny ass pencil kneck holding up her tremendous mellon head , this big headed bitch babbled some shit & i couldnt make sense of shit she was sayin , i got monster heads in the trees , streamers & flashes of light going everywhere , a giant cat eyed uncle sam with fuked up knees floating around & some mellon head speaking in tounges all in my face & thats when i knew i had to make a break for it , i started running down a big ass hill & at the bottom i turned to see if anybody was after me & it felt like i was flying & there wasn't any earth under my feet , thats the last thing i remember .

Next thing i feel is a stabbing pain in my face , i opened my eyes & it's daylight & im stretched out in a mud pit at the bottom of a 10 foot revene , my stupid ass ran right into a drainage pond culvert , i got a lump on my face the size of a golfball , mud all over me & im missing a shoe , i climbed out of that gully & started lookin for the people i came with & ofcourse they left my ass , so now im hich hiking at 9am , hair down to my ass filled with clumps of sewer mud , missing a platform shoe & stumbeling all over when a car pulls up & honks , it was my older brother come lookin for me , ,after i got cleaned up i smoked a little opium & sacked out .

That was the last time i mixed halucinagins
i dont see where you mixed any hallucinogens..just 2 different lsd combo..sounds like fun till the mud pit...
I'll report back after FireFly music festival in June. My friend who really knows his LSD is going to try to bring me a 1200mic hit :p Thats going to be the most I've ever taken
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I'll report back after FireFly music festival in June. My friend who really knows his LSD is going to try to bring me a 1200mic hit :p Thats going to be the most I've ever taken
Highly doubt your going to get a 1200ug hit of LSD-25. That's 1.2mg of LSD on one tab. No way man, most I've ever encountered was 200mcg tabs and that was from the Road, they were expenisve as hell but worth it