what is the most acid you have ever eaten and what was the exp like?

I'll report back after FireFly music festival in June. My friend who really knows his LSD is going to try to bring me a 1200mic hit :p Thats going to be the most I've ever taken
Highly doubt your going to get a 1200ug hit of LSD-25. That's 1.2mg of LSD on one tab. No way man, most I've ever encountered was 200mcg tabs and that was from the Road, they were expenisve as hell but worth it

yeah, i tend to agree.. while i don't know my lsd like a few members here, rorry and the duck for two, but what lil i do know tells me the hit will only absorb so much lsd per blotter, and that limit is no where near 1200 ug's of lsd from what i understand..
ahh,racer,but liquid can..and blotter also,just has to be the right kind,not usually found amongst the blotter prints today..

huh, i never knew that rory, i had always thought and or heard, that blotter can only absorb so much lsd per.. that's why things like double sided hits are a bunch of bs??
in your experience, how much lsd can a blotter hold of lsd, ug wise?
it can only ABSORB so much at one time..you can soak a sponge,but you cant get the sponge to absorb the same amount 2 times..concentrated liquid can be absorbed just as much..ive had wash up before that was @900ug..but thats concentrate from laying a gram...
it can only ABSORB so much at one time..you can soak a sponge,but you cant get the sponge to absorb the same amount 2 times..concentrated liquid can be absorbed just as much..ive had wash up before that was @900ug..but thats concentrate from laying a gram...

900 ug?? holy bejesus.. :D
makes sense the way you explained it.. thank you kindly good sir.. :D
It can only absorb so much but AFAIK you can get almost 2mg on a standard sized (0.5cm x 0.5cm) blotter. NBOMes are regularly laid at over 1mg.
yeah, i tend to agree.. while i don't know my lsd like a few members here, rorry and the duck for two, but what lil i do know tells me the hit will only absorb so much lsd per blotter, and that limit is no where near 1200 ug's of lsd from what i understand..

If it was coming from anyone else I would have to agree with you. However, this is coming from a very trustworthy friend.
If it was coming from anyone else I would have to agree with you. However, this is coming from a very trustworthy friend.

yeah, rory said i was mistaken as well ad, so i retract my previous statement as surely rory knows his shit way more than i do for sure..
i've just always thought / heard that blotters can only absorb so much lsd is all.. gonna be an incredible trip for sure, i'd try and stock pile a few of those if you can... surely hits of that calibre don't come around often.
Ex girlfriend poisoned me once, with 6 tabs of acid, but I only sipped the coffee(1/2 tab) they were in and suspected some shit going down, her and her friend acting weired, then a friend came to pick me up and leaving I dropped the coffee, I got to the car just as the trip hit, very mild but drunk a shit load of OJ and recovered fine, but not the ex girlfriend ...she fell out of a window and never recovered, but I sweated for 2 days till a friend could recover that coffee cup, as it had me dabs!!

...that was 20 years ago ...lol
not trying to be rude,just understand.."me dabs" whats that? and you sipped the coffee but only got about a half tab worth of a dose?
yeah, rory said i was mistaken as well ad, so i retract my previous statement as surely rory knows his shit way more than i do for sure..
i've just always thought / heard that blotters can only absorb so much lsd is all.. gonna be an incredible trip for sure, i'd try and stock pile a few of those if you can... surely hits of that calibre don't come around often.

I doubt I'll ever find them again. Its just going to be the one blotter, but hes hooking me up as an early bday gift lol. I am hoping I can build a little bit of a stash while I'm @ FireFly though.
we were getting some of the best there was in the early 70's. Some of it was damn strong but I doubt any was ever over 400 at the very highest. No one would widely distribute anything stronger for fear of the social repercussions.
I been thinking about this. I am a veteran of some fairly hefty doses. I really don't know the amount, maybe 600 maybe a bit more. I lost ego, I whited out. While there may be something on the other side of that, I never got a glimpse of it. What lies beyond 800? Or is it by then just a waste of drug? Fo instance I have taken as much as 15 grams of mushrooms and found that usually beyond 12, all it did was make me sick, make the come on more dramatic and Last longer. I had reached the end of the mushroom universe. Well, that mushroom universe anyway.
while 600 might do that to some it may take 800 for others..maybe 150 for that guy over there..lol..after a few hefty doses,some people
might need a few extra to get them there...and then there is allways the guy who can and does concentrate his stash for those good ol one hit mind benders..who wants to chew up a wad of paper to trip hard? not as appealing as 1 nice minty drop!8)
Past achieving oneness with the universe I haven't found anything more on higher doses but the periods of that definitely last longer when you take more.
I have read reports of the old days where they said that the biggest tabsonly containedabout 250 mics. I don't think so. I had a general grasp of how much a given pill had in it and I am fairly certain they were in excess of 300. Figure they called them"2 way" some were called 4 way and they might have had maybe 450? I know that most find 200 or so to be a perfectly acceptable high dose. It makes me wonder exactly how much i DID take. I've taken two tabs of 2 way, so how much did Itake and would I have gotten to some other place taking more?

the highest I've ever been was a combination of LSA and two tabs of LSD laid on methadone, so how much did I take? I really have no idea.